"Quake, Yo-Yo! Flag Smashers reported in the Capital Hill area. Reports of Super Soldier levels of strength, speed and endurance. Nonlethal force first." Director Mackenzie said over the intercom.
"Flag Smashers? I thought Captain America dealt with them." Daisy said.
"Just because their leader is six feet under, doesn't mean their remnants are quitters." Elena said, putting her socks and boots on.
"Before they've only really attacked the GRC. Now, they're a collective of Anti-Government goons." You said, gearing up.
"Let's hurry...Yo-Yo, go on ahead, I'll take the new guy." Daisy said.
"Right, don't take too long." Elena said before zooming out of there.
"Alright New Guy, I'll just catch a ride from you. With your speed and strength, I should be like running with a wallet. Athena, emergency armoury." Daisy said.
Shelves rose from the ground with an array of weaponry.
"Pick your poison.. Oh! And put this visor on." Quake said, handing a pair of lightly tinted visor sunglasses.
You grabbed an M4-style ICER with a flash bang grenade launcher attachment.
"Double tap the bridge to activate them." Daisy said, double tapping her own to activate them, causing a full helmet to form around her head with ample vision.
Double tapping your own, you heard the whirling of machines form a helmet for you, with a heads up display, comms system, and more.
"Woah..." You were astonished.
"You can fanboy about the tech later, right now we have bad guys to stop." Quake said, jumping into your arms.
"Alright... Let's go." You said, seeing the path is clear.
You race down the path displayed for the optimal pathway to face the Flag Smashers.
"Stuart! I'm engaging the enemies. They're armed with automatic weapons. You may be bulletproof, but me and Quake aren't. Same for the other people, including the Flag Smashers." Yo-Yo said, with sounds of a battle in the background of her mic.
"On our way. ETA 10 seconds." You said.
Arriving on the scene, you dropped off Daisy behind cover.
"Slingshot! Newbie! Clear out all of the civilians. I'll cover you." Quake said, blasting at the enemies with her concussive blasts.
Yo-Yo and you zipped away all of the civilians in the area. You personally had to push out the ones trapped in their vehicles.
"All clear. Engaging now." You said, headbutting a Flag Smasher and striping his gun apart.
Elena managed to beat one down, then threw their gun at another one. You jumped in front of her to block incoming gunfire. Elena managed to shoot some projectiles from her hands. You wondered if it was another part of her powers, but your full spectrum sight revealed that her forearms were cybernetic prosthetics. The projectiles hit the Flag Smashers, either enraging them, slowing them, or knocking them out will a barrage of them. You figure that the projectiles were ICER rounds. A Flag Smasher charged at you, realizing their weapons were ineffective against you. Though they were certainly much stronger than the average man, you were far stronger and more durable than them. Easily blocking her attacks and swiping her mask off. Enraged, she pulled a knife out and attempted to stab you, but the blade was ineffective against you. Taking advantage of her shocked expression, you knocked her down with the butt of your rifle and discharged a few rounds into her. Shooting a flashbang into a group of them, you and Elena took advantage of the stun grenade and neat them unconscious. You bound them with some adhesive cuffs modelled after Spider-Man's web fluid, except this stuff focused more on binding strength and adhesion than elasticity and flexibility, as well as needing a specific solvent to take out.
"These Flag Smashers are heading to the Capital Building. They're using armored trucks to bypass the police. I'm trying to knock them over, but I'm pinned behind enemy fire." Daisy said over the comms.
"Get the trucks, I'll cover Daisy." Elena told you.
You both zipped to the scene. Yo-Yo was backing up Daisy, while you went after the trucks. You easily stopped a truck by ripping it's drive shaft out and subduing the hostile inside.
The other Flag Smashers caught wind and tried to hold you down as a group. Although you could break out, you'd risk flinging them far enough to escape. You had the idea to shrink out of their grasps and grow back behind them, using your ICER rifle to attack, then finishing off the stragglers with your fists. Two more trucks to go
You dashed over to the third one and flipped it onto it's roof, knocking them hard to the ground. To finish them off, you shot a stun grenade into the vehicle and took cover. You then finished up by rigging a canister of the adhesive cuffs to blow, trapping the Flag Smashers.
"Last truck, this should be over so-"
You were blindsided with an anti-tank rocket. Though you survived, you haven't exactly gotten used to being blown up.
There were three more Flag Smashers with rocket launchers aimed at you.
Thankfully, Elena and Daisy performed a pincer maneuver against them, giving you time to recover and apprehend them.
"We need to hurry, they're almost at the Capital Building." Daisy said.
"Look! It's Captain America!" You heard someone shout ahead.
"Grab her and lets go!" Elena said.
With Quake in your arms, you and Yo-Yo booked it to the Capital Building, seeing the new Captain America fighting the Flag Smashers with the rehabilitated Winter Soldier.
You dropped Daisy off, having her roll and dish out a wide concussion blast at the enemies, taking them by surprise. You and Yo-Yo charged. She weaved through them with high speed metallic fists, while you took on a group of them trying to stop you. Barnes punched one off and yanked another, while Captain America shot his shield, ricocheting against the Flag Smashers and being thrown again by Barnes. You grabbed the historic shield and threw it at a Flag Smasher running for the building, knocking him to the ground, having Elena bind him with blinding speed. Three other Flag Smashers were running towards the building armed. You and Yo-Yo tackle two down and were prevented from getting the third one due to sniper fire.
Quake, Captain America and the Winter Soldier managed to work together to defeat the Flag Smasher and his spotter.
The last Flag Smasher was desperate, grabbing a woman and holding her hostage.
"Stand back or I'll blow her brains out!" He threatened.
Though Elena and you were fast, you both weren't that fast as to stop point blank gunfire from a distance, especially considering Super Soldiers have enhanced reflexes.
"Sorry pal. You picked the wrong damsel to put in distress." The woman said, crushing the handgun and elbowing the man back several feet.
"You're under arrest." Daisy said, cuffing the Flag Smasher.
"One World! One order!" He shouted, causing a beeping sound to emit from his mask.
"Quake, watch out!" You said, shielding her.
A small explosion from the Flag Smasher mask blew his head off.
"Goddamn...He took his own life..." Sam Wilson said disheartened at the gore.
"Sam. We've got a problem." Bucky Barnes said, opening the armoured truck.
"Good God...That's a ton of Semtex...Literally..." You said, seeing the high powered plastic explosive in the back of the armored truck.
"Fitz, we've got a situation... There's at least a ton of plastic explosives in a truck near the Capital Building." Daisy said.
"It's no good. It's a closed circuit IED...You cut anything, and it'll blow..." You said, seeing the explosive device.
"It's worst than that... There's a motion sensor installed...One wrong move and it'll go boom...Add that minute timer, and the best we could do is evacuate everyone." Bucky said.
"Hey uh, Quantum Soldier. You think you can Quantum Blast the bomb?" Daisy asked.
"I don't know... This'll be the biggest thing I mega disintegrate..." You said.
"Disintegrate? If he screws up, he'll trigger the explosive." Captain America said.
"You're not exactly encouraging him Sam...Can you do it soldier?" Barnes asked you.
"I think I can...Or at the very least, shrink down the payload..." You said.
"Whatever you do, do it quick." The powered woman said.
You focused on replicating the energies you produced at the Playground II.
You successfully obliterated the IED, saving everyone.
"Nice work New Guy. You just saved Congress... I'm sure that's a good thing, despite their...You know..." Quake said, joking about the legislative branches notorious ineffectiveness.
"That's one terrorist plot thwarted." You said.
"They aren't terrorists. They have good intentions, but horrible execution." Captain America said.
"Their intentions are irrelevant. They've killed and destroyed long before this attack. By definition, they are terrorists." You told Sam off.
"You could say that about the founding fathers and the revolutionists."
"Federalists & Sons of Liberty yes, but the founding fathers? No. They wanted either representation, or freedom. They fought for freedom." You said.
"Not for freedom for all men." Sam said.
"Not all of them...Unfortunately, they compromised with the staunch slave owners." Bucky chimed in.
"Unfortunately!? People like me were enslaved for centuries in this country because the founding fathers didn't put their foot down and abolish slavery." Sam said.
"And what are the Flag Smashers fighting for? One world, one people? That's a war won with philosophy and culture, not terrorism and genocide." You said.
"Guys, guys! Enough with the dick measuring contest... You're all very pretty...Let's focus on the radicals with bombs strapped to their faces." The woman said.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Sam asked her.
"Jessica Jones. Former New York P.I....I've been investing these Flag Crashers for a few months now... Don't let them fool you. Unlike the OG Flag Smashers all roided out on Super serum, these clowns are hopped up on Combat Enhancer Inhalers built into their masks." Jessica Jones explains. indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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