Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1754093-Fabrik-der-Toten
by Scorch
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Horror/Scary · #1754093
Allied forces meet a terrifying new enemy, Nazi zombies.

Allied forces meet a terrifying new enemy, Nazi zombies.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
translation of tital: Factory of the Dead

1941, Somewhere in Europe

The Nazi War machine has been moving across Europe and taking land to build munitions depots s they went.
One such depot was set up in a remote mountain area in southern Europe. A group of Allied forces were sent to destroy it but only succeed in damaging one of the buildings before the Germans soldiers killed the German soldiers

A few days later a second attempt was going to be made, a recon flight showed far more damage than that which the first group had caused, what’s more there was no sign of activity from the German Soldiers, still the Allied Soldiers were being sent in…..they could not have know what they were walking into……

Your cast:

Capt. Jackson Miller
Age: 47
Armed with: Thompson, Colt .45
Bio: Captain Miller has been with the United State Marines since he was 21 and is a combat vet and has fought in both the north Pacific and the North African Campaign.
Statues: KIA

L.T. Andrew McTavish
Age: 39
Armed with: M1 Carbine, Cold .45

Bio: Andrew joined the USMC when the US joined the war; he is a tough L.T. but fair and doesn’t like to lose men on any assignment. He will go out of his way to protect his men.
Status: Alive

SGT. Brock Barns
Age: 37
Armed with: BAR, .357 Magnum revolver
Bio: Barns is a tough S.O.B and tough to get along with, He is hard on his men even when there is no reason to be and has nearly been court marshaled 4 times, if it wasn’t for the war he would have been.
Status: KIA

CPL: James Fish
Age: 32
Armed with: M1 Carbine. Cold .45
Bio: Fish is a layed back type of soldier and easy to get along with, he takes insults and lets them roll off him like water off a ducks back. He tends to crack jokes at every chance he gets.
Statues: KIA

CPL: Charlie Petters:
Age: 33
Armed with: M2 Flamethrower
Bio: Charlie is a go to type of guy and he always tries to look on the bright side of things. He is well liked by his superiors as well as the other soldiers.
Status: Alive

PFC. Jerry (J.J.) Jackson
Age: 26
Armed with: Thompson, Winchester Model 1912
Bio: J.J. joined up with the USMC after the war started, before that he worked as a delivery worker for a grocery store. He has not risen above a PFC as he wants’ to stay a low ranking soldier of his own free will.
Status: Alive

PFC: Allen Lopez
Age: 25
Armed with: M1903 Springfield, .357 revolver
Bio: Allen Joined the war effort and got promoted quickly after he covered his unit as they retreated from a surprise German attack, he was shot in the leg while retreating and received a purple heart as well as a promotion in rank, every now and then the injury to his leg hurts and bother him but he does not complain.
Status: Alive

Pvt. Carl O’Malley
Age: 22
Armed with: M1 Garand, Colt .45
Bio: O’Malley was not know as a good soldier, if anything he was lazy and his superiors could not figure out why he joined the armed forces but do to the war they were stuck with him.
Status: KIA

Pvt. Marco Leeland
Age: 20
Armed with: United Defense M42, Bazooka
Bio: Marco was added to the unit just a week ago to replace a soldier lost in combat in a previous mission.
Status: KIA

Pvt. Cameron Cole
Age: 18
Armed with: BAR, Colt .45
Bio: Cole is out of boot camp and ready to fight, an enthusiastic individual he can’t wait to have new experiences happen to him. He has seen some combat on a few other battles and knows his way around a combat zone.
Status: Alive

Pvt. Ethan Tucker
Age: 19
Armed with: Thompson, Colt .45
Bio: Tucker was a young scared soldier, forced to join the military by his father who though it would “toughen” him but and make him less afraid, He always things the worst is going to happen.
Status: KIA

Pvt: Tommy Johnson
Age: 16
Armed with: Colt .45, M1 Mortar
Bio: Tommy lied about his age to join the military and get away from an abusive father. Do to his past he has trouble dealing with people but is adept at combat for it. Do to this he was issued a mortar.
Status: KIA

Pvt. Mark Bingum
Age: 18
Armed with: M1 Garand, Colt .45
Bio: Bingum was a religious young man. He joined up with the military to try and spread his word and to do the right things. He was trained as the unit’s medic.
Status: KIA

Fire Team Bravo
On recon ahead of the rest of the group

SGT. Butch Langly
Age: 37
Armed with: Silenced Sten, .357 magnum revolver
Bio: Langly is a good soldier who hates officers, for this he will never rise above a SGT, which he is happy about. He works his men hard and is an excellent planner for when things go wrong and his team has come back more often than not.
Status: MIA

Cpl: Tony Allester
Age: 30
Armed with: Scoped Springfield, Colt .45
Bio: Tony is a cold and emotionless individual leading to his nick name “the stone”. He does what he is told without complaint and will follow out any orders to the letter.
Status: MIA
PFC: James Kricheck
Age: 24
Armed with: Thompson, Colt .45
Bio: James is a wise ass in the truest sense of the word, but even though he will not admit is he loves his country and will put his life on the line for it, which is why he joined up.
Status: MIA

PFC. Alex Burrows
Age: 25
Armed with: Silenced Sten, Colt .45
Bio: Alex is a philosophical type of person and is always reading poetry or works by famous authors, he loves books and tries to get his hands on a new one every chance he gets. When not busy he can be found reading a book. He tends to quote books a lot and has even made up his own coded messages before to leave if the fire tem is hiding from enemy soldiers and needs to leave a message friendly forces can follow.

German Survivors:
Name: Doctor Wolfram Gellert (Doctor)
Age: 40
Armed with: Luger
Bio: Gellert was a scientist that worked withing the "Factory" and is the only one still alive, he knows far more then he's telling.
Status: Alive

Name: Wolfgang Tieck
Age: 33
Armed with:Grwehr 98, Luger
Bio: Tieck was a guard at the compount when everthing went south, he was found by Doctor Gellert and conviced to go with him. he protects the doctor.
Status: Alive

Name: Karl Sachs
Age: 20
Armed with: MP40, Luger
Bio: Sachs was a guard at the compond along with his comanding officer Tieck, he was the only one to stay with Teick and not panic like the rest of the guards, he was found by Doctor Gellert and conviced to stay, he guards the doctor.
Status: Alive

Will they try and find the cause, or will they work towards escape or......will they be consumed like the Germans before them?
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