(Author's note: I had already started writing the beginning of a "Zero shrinks" story, so I'll just be using this space to start the beginning of my own Zero thread. I have some ideas going here, so try not to scoop me on this thread, okay? Kthanx.)
Maverick Hunter HQ was in a panic. Sirens were blaring, and a fearful message sounded over the intercom:
"Alert! Alert! A group of giant mechaniloids is rioting in the middle of the city! Hunters X, Zero and Axl report to the command room to prep for teleportation!"
Maverick Hunter Zero awoke from his slumber. Climbing out of his stasis tube, he ran to the command room. As he ran, he thought back to the dream he was just having, to the dream he had every time he slept. Actually, it could be said it was two dreams, which he would flip back and forth between. The first, of course, was the one that had been there for as long as he could remember: A strange old man rambling about some cryptic purpose. The second dream, however, wasn't cryptic at all, rather it was all too clear: Iris. Since that fateful day when she died in his arms, Zero had been haunted by that painful memory. He never let anyone see the pain he felt, always keeping a cool demeanor, but he rarely felt truly happy. Zero quickly shook off these lingering thoughts. “I’m a Maverick Hunter. It’s my job to give others peace of mind, even at the expense of my own,” he said to himself as he entered the command room.
Zero arrived at around the same time as his fellow hunters, X and Axl. “Man, I can’t wait for this mission! It’s been forever since the last big Maverick attack!” exclaimed Axl. “A lack of Maverick activity is a good thing, Axl,” X reprimanded. “We’re supposed to be peacekeepers, not war seekers.” “I know, I know…” said the younger reploid, waving off his senior officer, “Can we just get our mission briefing so we can leave?” “That depends, can you stop talking long enough for Signas to give us our orders?” commented Zero, speaking for the first time since entering the room. Axl opened his mouth to provide a retort, but no words came to him, leaving him to settle with giving Zero a look of disdain.
As the hunters turned to the front of the room, Signas, their acting commander, began to speak. “The rogue mechaniloids have spread further from the center of the city than we had expected. As such, I’ll send each of you to a separate part of the city to stop these mavericks before the destruction can spread any further. In turn, each of you will be assigned a navigator. Alia, you’ll be working with X.”
“Roger”, Alia replied.
“Pallette, you’re with Axl.”
“You got it, sir,” Pallette responded.
“And Layer, you’ll be Zero’s navigator.”
Upon hearing this, the purple-haired reploid began to blush slightly. Though she tried to hide it, Layer was somewhat infatuated with the red hunter (a fact which Pallette, her coworker and close friend, teased her to no end over). She never did work up the nerve to talk to Zero outside of work, usually giving herself the excuse that it would be inappropriate for them to share anything beyond a professional relationship. Still, part of her still hoped that she might have some chance of getting to know him, platonically if not romantically.
“Y-yes sir,” said Layer, trying to regain her composure.
“You all have your orders. This city hasn’t seen much maverick activity in the past few months. Let’s finish this mission quickly so we can keep it that way!” With that being said, Signas sent the coordinates for each navigator to input for the transport of their respective hunter.
As Zero stepped into the transporter, he heard Layer begin to speak: “Um, Zero?”
“Yeah?,” said the red hunter.
“G… Good luck out there.”
“Luck is meaningless on the field of battle. All that matters is skill, strength, and proper direction. The third is what I’m counting on you for.” Zero replied.
“Of course, I’m sorry” said Layer, feeling slightly foolish.
“Still… thank you,” spoke Zero, the slightest hint of warmth in his voice. With these last words, the transporter activated sending him on his way and sparing Layer the embarrassment of him seeing her blush.
(Author’s note: Really long first chapter, I know. I’ll get to the shrinking in a chapter or two, so be patient please.)