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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1748548-Ill-be-here/cid/1167236-Project-SE-URF
by Juac
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1748548
You are the main human male character with another male furry you rescued and live with.
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Chapter #4

Project S.E-U.R.F.

    by: Juac
Magic and technology are a powerful mix. Their initial fusion resulting in terrible and disastrous ends. Nations wiped out by their mistakes. But it's been decades since those times and the two have now become a singular and powerful form. Runology, Symbology, Arcane, etc. have all become the basis of the world's powers. Politics giving results by seeing it's future results in seconds. Medical research creating cures for nearly every form of ailment. Military becoming a massive force that could wipe out more than just the world and powers that could save it as well. The world now resembles a beautiful dream as the effect; islands brought to the skies, dome cities beneath the sea, even hallowed barrier cities beneath the mantle layer.

You were a scientist for your country, proud to do your work. A researcher of 'life' magic; progressing the inner workings of living things and how it lives. With the discovery of chimera sciences and it's allowance by governments world-wide, you're research reached a staggering spike in possibilities. You worked under no surveillance with some of your best friends growing up. All studying in your homeland seaside country where the sun set over it's silver walls and tower peaks. Your country was more interested in magic and preferred not to tamper fully with technology. Good for you since you had little know how in that field. Some was still necessary for progress of course.

Recently you had gotten into a relationship with a woman who had moved to your country from another. Never really able to make relationships with woman, except one of your old friends who you worked with now, it was very abrupt. She was a researcher as well and wanted to get into your newest project. Eventually your relations blinded you to the obvious and she was let into your project with your own permission. She was really a commander who had tricked you into allowing her into your research and use you as a proxy to your work. The laboratory was stormed by operatives and you were all forced to work under her leaders command.

They took over your work and forced in odd machines and forbidden magic into your research. When complaints were made, the first one to do so was killed as an example. All of you were watched on a constant basis. And so as to keep up appearances to your government you were all watched. You yourself were watched personally by the woman who eased her way into your life.

The original project you were working on was to make a being made by DNA and magic only; no normal birth methods were allowed. It must be capable of rational thought, as well as being able to use magic. The original concept given to you and started by you, thus leading to your DNA being a part of the mix. As well as the DNA of the smartest and most adaptive animals on Earth as minor components. The two major components were yours and the national animal of your country, the dolphin. The result was already born and developing, you were even able to play with him and test his intelligence. You even remembered shedding a tear when he was able to speak your names. He was given the project name S.E.R.F. by your dear friend she said it meant, "Someone's Evolutionary and Revolutionary Friend."

But they were turning your work upside down. Before only basic magic was placed into your research, but they were adding unnecessary and dangerous components. Worst of all was the addition of of the forbidden Death Magic, using life as a source of power whether it be from yourself or others. They were turning your revolutionary work into a circus of abominations. Adding whatever animal or magic you had not before and using the capacitors and machines to compress them. They titled their work S.U.R.F. which she told you stood for 'Singular Ultimate Revolutionary Force'. When you tried to ask what they wanted to do with your project you were simply told that your country was little cost for the world. Then when the work was close to completion you were all removed from the picture.

You were all taken back to your homes and your research files were all stolen. You were no longer allowed back to the lab under threat of death and were all still watched. The woman herself stayed away and you were now watched by a silent guard who never slept. He went back to the lab at dawn. This lasted for days; mornings with worry and nights with dread. Until two weeks had passed and a morning you woke up to was covered by a black sky and grazing fire.

One of your fellow scientists had run to you in the morning after you were awoken by a loud explosion that shook the city. "We have to get out of the city!"

"What's going on!?"

"The lab exploded, the fire keeps spreading. They want us out of the city limits so the mages can wash out..." you sped past him through your doorway and out to the streets where people run into and past you. Your focus only on the dark fire rising at the sea front. You heard him yell to you but you did not listen as you ran towards it.

You got to the center of the blaze, the large gate to the underground site was wide open, many of the intruder's bodies were strewn across the ground. They died while trying to escape, meaning something happened before the fire and explosion. When you looked down to their bodies they were drained of their blood which lay in trails spreading back to the inner bulkhead leading to the lab. As you knelt down you also noticed something was pulling you in. The blood trails were scaling up the crack of the bulkhead doors.

Reaching into the pocket of one of the corpses you pulled out a blood stained key card and ran to the bulkhead's service door to it's side. Opening the door and running up the stairs, the pull was becoming stronger and the hall was becoming darker and hazier by each stair you climbed. 'They even used illusion magic, why would they try to make something so unpredictable?' you thought to yourself. When you got to the top of the stairs you stood before a windowed door leading to the main room. The window itself had shattered, but the shards hung suspended in space as well as drops of blood; frozen in time. You hesitated for a moment before opening the door to a sight more horrible then you predicted going up the stairs.

The concrete walls were covered in blood, swirling about the large chamber. A black haze twisted around in a spiral that nearly blinded you through your glasses. Far below, down the service ladder was a worse sight; a sea of blood seeping out from the cracks of statues in running and frightened positions from what you could tell. The sights and smells so awful you could not bare to look for too long with out the bile rising from your stomach. Holding a handkerchief to your mouth and nose you looked on more. Papers, glass, and pieces of machinery were flung to the air and suspended in space. That's when you saw it, a feint glow at the center of the room where the holding tank was. The plate carved with the letters 'SERF' hanging from loose and twitching wires.

You spared little hesitation and climbed down the stained ladder, slipping before falling into the red sea. You trudged and fell often in the knee deep and glue like entrails of what used to be people. The statues of which hung about in horrific forms, ripped apart by the force and petrified as they were the nearer you came. Terrified screams and tears ran down your face but you pressed on as the power grew stronger at the epicenter.

When you came to the edge of the holding tank, there she was. The woman who ruined your life...what was left... Her body had been ripped apart from the inside out, the pieces suspended in mid air. What was left of her face was in blissful awe as her arms were spread outward. Her eyes had melted off of her face...you couldn't look anymore...never in your life had you ever been thankful to see such horror...

You climbed the few steps to the inner tube where the golden light was it's strongest and the blood rose to the holding tanks lower machine. The glass of the tank was shattered and swirled with the blood and black. And at the center of the light...there he was...fully grown and curled in a painful and twisted form, gasping for air he didn't need to breath... He was long, well built, and covered in crimson seals of the strongest forms of runes and symbols. The blood about entered and exited his body. His own powers leaving him in seething pain as he cried scarlet tears.

"Serf!" you tried to run to him but his eyes snapped open onto you and his powers flung you to the air. You were suspended with your arms outward, his powers were pulling your limbs away. "S-Serf...I know you...gargh...you can understand me...it's me...GAAAAGGHHHH!!!" he twisted your right arm, the bone about to break through your skin. "L-gah-l-look in my Bag!" You tried to reach down to your bag but it was snatched off and thrown to the side releasing it's contents. A single small book...yours and his favorite...the first he ever read...Animals and ABCs... He saw it in the corner of his eye and all the power holding you aloft drifted away making you fall slowly to the platform in pain, "...r-remember Serf? You said...you always wanted to be a Zebra? So we put Zebra DNA into you so you could turn yourself into one?"

His crimson tears ran down in streams as he said in a small squeaking tone, "...P-pa-pa..?"

"Y-yes...Serf...it's me..." you gave him a small smile...

You have the following choices:

1. You stay conscious through the pain.

2. You pass out.

3. Serf passes out.

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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