Kyle decided to go to practice with his bros.
As he walked up to the field, a friend handed him a drink. It looked like some sort of protein shake, and it also looked quite delicious.
Without asking what it was, Kyle downed the drink in a heartbeat. It tasted like chocolate and strawberries.
His friend smiled and escorted him to the weight room. There, waiting for them, were several other guys on the team. On a table in front of them were several empty cups of what looked to be the same drink.
The guys were sitting along the wall, waiting for Kyle, it seemed. They all got up when he walked in.
“Hey team captain,” said one. “Let’s get our workout on!”
Kyle’s team always started with squats. It was how Kyle had begun building his round, jock bubble in the first place. So, per usual, they all lined up against the wall to begin the squats.
After the first 10, one of his teammates stopped. He went to go get some water, and walked away from the team. As he was walking, Kyle caught a glimpse of his backside. It looked a little bigger than it had before.
He wrote it off as his bad vision. He continued with his squats when someone asked for the team to stop. One of the kids, Brian, was fumbling with his shorts.
“Sorry guys, but my pants feel a little tight all of a sudden!” He said with a laugh. Kyle looked around at the other guys and saw that many of them were nodding in agreement. They had felt like their pants had gotten tighter too.
Continuing with the squats, some other kid’s shorts began to rip. His boxers stood beneath them, trying to hold his new massive cheeks from breaking through to the dense air.
The boys began to panic. They stopped squatting, and ran to the mirror in the room to check out how their asses had changed. All of them had gotten bigger, and more kids pants were ripping. Kyle was pretty “straight,” so he tried not to look at their asses, but he couldn’t because they were so big.
Kyle’s sweatpants began to feel a little tighter than normal. “oh god.” He thought, and he watched his thighs thicken up as well, his grey sweatpants straining under the power. He had stopped squatting; why were they still growing? Was it the liquid that they had drunken? Who mixed that drink? He rushed toward the mirror, his ass bobbing up and down quickly. He blushed, and clenched it with his hands as he ran.
When he got there, he quickly spun around to gaze at the mass growing on his rear. His jaw dropped. His cheeks were the size of soccer balls, his thighs as thick as tree trunks. His ass was perfectly round and didn’t droop as well, as if it was being held up by something.
He couldn’t decide if he liked it or not. He certainly wanted to look attractive for his girlfriend, but he was worried that his new rear end would attract some guys instead of girls. His thighs were equally as worrisome. They were becoming pretty heavy, not to mention that they rubbed together every time he stepped.
The worst (or best) part was, it was still growing. His ass was quite literally ballooning and growing wider and taller. He shifted so he could view it’s length in the mirror. It was almost a foot long and a foot tall by itself. It stretched out beyond him quite a bit.
He put his hand on his ass cheek. It didn’t even fit on the entire space, and he blushed some more. He squeezed, expecting to find the feel of flesh, but was surprised to find that it was incredibly spongy and bounced right into place like it was filled with air. He jumped up and down, expecting it to jiggle around, but it didn’t. It was stuck in place, again like a normal balloon.
Kyle heard a yelp from behind him. He turned to find that one of his teammates’ ass had grown larger than his, and it was lifting him from the floor. Perhaps it was filled with air, he thought. His friend flailed his arms around as his butt rose, limbs dangling below. His cheeks were absolutely massive, stretching almost a meter each. He rose slowly, gaining speed until he hit the ceiling with a thump and stayed there, still flailing his arms and trying to move. His ass was his ruler now.
Kyle then become fearful. That was going to happen to him in a few minutes; what was he going to do? Was he going to let it happen or enjoy it, or be able to see his girl for another time? He shivered at the thought of this happening outdoors with no ceiling to save him.
He began to walk, his steps becoming less heavy as the force of his ass pulled against gravity, like he was on the moon.
He stopped as another one of his friends rose up into the air yelling and saw the supposed “mix” of the drink they had all had. He bobbed over to it, every step taking him further from the floor. He read the container carefully.
“Combine with squats for a surprise! You’ll love your new look!” It said.
He didn’t know what to make of it. His ass was now two feet, and it was consuming his sweatpants. In all the commotion he had not realized how tight they were, and took them off.
Too late. His feet hit the floor for the final time and he rose into the air, his butt taking the lead to the ceiling. What was he going to do?