As Natasha turned to see if her ass was any bigger something very odd happened. The posture of her mirror image changed. It slapped her ass, causing it to jiggle just a little. Jiggle Butt, the word screamed in her mind. Then, her image smiled at her. Natasha jumped back, all too ware that her panicked expression did not match the almost seductive look of her reflection.
"You're overreacting, but you're right, it is bigger," the mirror said.
"Wha-how?" Natasha stammered.
"Eight pounds in one night will do that to a girl," the mirror said with a chuckle.
Eight pounds! Natasha's mind reeled. But the scale didn't lie. It seemed like such a big number, and even minor changes seemed huge when she put it in pounds.
"And yes, those are lovehandles," the mirror grabbed the small bits of flab at Natasha's side. She felt her own sides pinched and squealed. She wrapped her arms around her and backed away from the mirror. "Or, at least, the start of lovehandles."
"Now, about that beautiful face-"
Natasha fled the room, panting, sweating. There was no way she just saw that. She was just freaking out. That had to be it. Of course she would freak out over a little weight gain. In fact, there was no way it could have been eight pounds. That was almost ten pounds, which would be an unthinkable amount to add to her delicate body. Natasha forced herself to think rationally.
She went to her room to get dressed. She whined loudly as she pulled a pair of her relaxed fit jeans on. They weren't uncomfortable, but they felt more like skinny jeans now. She buttoned them and a little bit of soft flesh crept over the waistband.
"Oh no way," she whispered, putting on a studded belt. She put on a loose fitting t-shirt, except it wasn't completely loose now. It hugged her middle and her breasts enough for her to notice. She went back to her mother's room. Each step she felt a subtle motion in her stomach, like there was something attached to it that wasn't as willing to move with her as it should. Something was off about her legs, and only as she turned to see herself in the mirror did she realize it was her inner thighs grazing each other.
She looked . . . fine? Good as always, maybe?
"Don't be so hard on yourself, we look hot," the mirror said. Natasha's heart started racing but she forced herself to remain calm. The mirror image turned left and right, showing off her body. She stretched her arms up and arched her back. Her t-shirt revealed the softness that settled on her midriff, and when the mirror image turned back she had to manually tug her shirt down to cover it.
"I'm sure most people won't notice your tummy," the mirror said, and Natasha knew who that "most" excluded. "If I were you, and I am, I'm going to wish they were still calling me jiggle butt. It has a nicer ring than jiggle belly or jiggle gut or jiggle-"
"Stop that!" Natasha yelled at the mirror. It was unperturbed. It just laughed at her. "I'm not fat-"
"No, just a little soft, right? Mmm? Maybe bloated from that greasy breakfast? Or is it that time of the month? It's just water weight, dear?" the image patted her stomach and Natasha felt her own tummy jiggle, a feeling that she had never felt there. It made her sick to her stomach.
Natasha ran from the bedroom. She had to get to school where things were normal. Sure, maybe she was in the middle of a mental breakdown. Mirrors don't normally talk to you, after all. And she probably was just a little bloated. That must be it. Natasha was a beautiful young woman with a slim body that came from staying in shape. Hot, thin girls don't bloat up suddenly, she told herself.
You'll see, Natasha thought as she grabbed her bag and prepared to leave, her thoughts directed towards that mocking mirror image, Nobody will notice anything, and I'll be back to normal in no time, and I'm just having a little, tiny crazy episode. It happens to everybody. It must sometimes, right? The events of the night, and the morning, had for the moment pushed her concerns of a real curse out of her head. And how tight parts of her clothes were feeling put other concerns even furhter from her mind. However, she did feel her shaky resolve further shaken as she caught her face in a mirror on the way out, and her own smiling face puffed up its cheeks and giggled wildly at her.