As Natasha placed her empty bowl into the sink, she felt a bit.. heavier. Her bra felt a little bit tighter, and her pants were a bit snug around her backside.
"Just ignore it..." She thought as she washed out her bowl.
But when she turned around, and caught sight of her mom...
"Mom! What happened?"
Her mother's body, which was slightly bigger than Natasha's, was definitely smaller than before. Not only that, but looking at her own body, Natasha saw that her breasts, which were incredibly tight in her bra, were much bigger. Discreetly reaching into her back pocket, she felt that her ass was also bigger. And her stomach had a small layer of pudge that definitely wasn't present before.
Her mother gave her an odd look.
"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.
"Well... Uhhh..."
She didn't want to just say, but if her mother wasn't reacting to the change, then... She didn't know.
"Nothing. Trick of the light, I guess," said Natasha. "Excuse me".
She quickly left the kitchen.
In her bedroom, Natasha threw her top and pants across the room and stared at herself in her mirror. It definitely wasn't a trick of the light.
Her breasts, which were spilling out of her bra, had definitely jumped up a number of cup sizes. This morning, they were B's. Now, she estimated they were around D's, maybe even DD's.
Grabbing her backside, she felt a whole lot more flesh than she was used to. Her panties were tight, almost looking like a thong.
And her stomach. Once a flat surface, there was a definite curve to it now. Poking a finger in, she groaned as it sunk in about an inch.
"No such thing as curses... Right?"
After improvising most of her clothing, Natasha headed back downstairs. Heading into the kitchen, she gasped as she saw her mother had...