Finishing the litre of water, Natasha gave off a small burp. Throwing the empty bottle in the trash, she walked off. As she walked, she began to feel funny. Particularly in her stomach.
Stopping to look in the mirror in the hall, Natasha saw nothing different about her stomach. But then, just as she was about to walk off...
"Is my stomach... growing?"
Taking a couple of steps back so she was positioned directly in front of the mirror, Natasha placed her hands on her stomach. After a couple of minutes of standing in front of the mirror, Natasha grew bored.
Looking at her belly, she gasped.
It had pushed out into a potbelly, which wasn't that noticeable if she was to wear loose clothing. Jiggling her new belly, Natasha could hear and feel a slosh inside it. Putting it down to some sort of bloating, she ignored it and went about her work.
After finishing her exceptionally difficult Maths Homework and cleaning her bedroom, Natasha was annoyed to see that her belly was still there. Her annoyance passed when her stomach rumbled.
Running downstairs, Natasha fixed herself a cheese sandwich, a packet of Salt and Vinegar crisps and another litre of water. The sandwich was gone within minutes and the crisps disappeared soon after. All that remained was the water.
Grabbing it, Natasha drank it, not realising that water was the cause of her new belly. As she drank, her belly started to bloat again. Starting from a potbelly, it began to take up more of her loose top. Natasha began to look more and more pregnant, and the water was still flowing.
Eventually, the water ran out and Natasha's belly stopped growing. Dropping the bottle, it bounced off her belly, making it jiggle slightly. Looking down, Natasha said nothing. She had been shocked into silence.
Her loose top had become a second skin for her belly. It had bloated to the point that Natasha looked like she was 6 months pregnant. Waddling off, she stopped when she reached her brothers small gym in one of the upstairs rooms. Determined to lose her belly, Natasha furiously began to work out.
After a solid two hours of exercise, Natasha stopped. She was really sweaty and in desperate need of a shower. The problem was that if she took a shower, she would begin to bloat again. And she didn't know if sweat had an effect on her body.
What does Natasha do? Shower and expand or risk the sweat?