Brandon Grinned at all the possibilities he had to choose from, and grinned even wider given that James had given him the choice as to their 'victim.'
"Let's see..." Said Brandon, scanning the household of the Walker family, processing in his mind the perfect candidate for their plans and schemes.
He observed his older brother, Kevin Walker, whom was 18 years of age, and who possessed the same red hair owned by his mother and younger brother James, but had the brown eyes of his father. At this particular moment. Kevin was with his girlfriend in the living room, Elizabeth 'Liz' Davis, an 18 year old as well, though both you and James believed her to be much too attractive to be with a suitor such as Kevin. They, Brandon and James thought themselves more suitable candidates for her. Ms. Davis was a brunette haired girl, approximately 5'5" and had dark emerald green eyes. The girl was on the bubbly and popular side of the school's social ladder. Though, despite her stance on the social food chain, you thought her a great person. She was kind, smart and, only for the purpose of making this description shorter, the polar opposite of those on the higher end of the social food-chain.
Next, Brandon looked to James' younger brother, Nate Walker, 10 years of age, brown haired like his father, but blue-eyed like his mother. Nate was still at the innocent height of 4'9" He has the attitude that is but too prevalent in the children of today's society. He thought he was on top of the world, he thought himself a genius and what not. Despite this poor attitude, the kid was likeable when he wanted to be. Although, Brandon and James only saw Nate for a fleeting second, only because he quickly rushed from the living room to his own room, to play with his video games.
Following, Brandon noted the only one of James' siblings that Brandon felt he really knew. This character was none other than Ms. Karen Walker. The sweetest girl you'd ever meet. She was 12 years of age, had brown hair that only went the slightest bit below her shoulders, and blue-eyed like her brothers and mother. And 4'11" in height, only slightly overshadowing her younger brother, Nate. The girl liked track, animals, a staple of girls' likes, and taiquando, not so much a staple of today's pre-teen girl. She was a sweet girl, but knew how to fend for herself, if such is necessary. It can also be said that she has the best relationship with James out of all the other residents in the house. James and Karen hung out very often, their relation ship was all but in dire straits. In fact, if ever you called ti hang out with James', there would be occasions where he'd turn you down because he was hanging out with Karen. This you respected. And, hey, the kid was likeable. At this moment, Karen sat in the living room, on the couch opposite to where Kevin and Liz sat, simply reading one of her books.
Subsequently, Brandon observed James' Father, Raymond Walker, a 44-year-old nicotine user and workaholic, a truly bad culmination. Raymond was brown haired and had the brown eyes to match. Raymond stood at a towering height of 6'3" The man always wore his working clothes, the pants that always seemed a bit too formal for wherever the Walkers went, the tie and buttoned down shirt that was also too formal and up-tight for wherever they may have been. The perfectly shined work-shoes. And, the ugliest part of his whole appearance were his habits, that habit that killed it all being his smoking. He always had a lighter and pack of cigarettes handy, much to the dismay of his wife and children. The relationship between Raymond and his family, wife included, was strained. At this moment, he was in a heated business related phone call. Surely, he'd be an acceptable candidate for the coin.
Finally, and rounding off the Walker home, was Bridgette Walker, the mother of Kevin, Nate, James and Karen, second mother, practically, to Brandon Thomas. Bridgette was 39 years of age, had red hair that went only slightly past her shoulders, and blue eyes. Bridgette stood at 5'11" only slightly surpassing her son, James. Speaking, of James and his mother, Bridgette, the two were practically spitting images of each other. Same hair color, eye color, skin color, almost the same height. Their personalities were both in sync as well, Bridgette loving to be adventurous, much like James. Bridgette had the strongest relationship with all of her children, but, again, the relationship between herself and Raymond was a train wreck. They hardly spoke. This is bad. You, along with all the other Walker children, were positive their marriage would end in divorce, but, despite everyone's knowledge of the divorce that was only a matter of time, no one spoke a word. At this moment, Bridgette sat in the kitchen, idly drinking coffee. All of her children were preoccupied with their own affairs, her husband being the jerk he'd always been.
"Hey, James." Brandon whispered to James.
"You made up your mind yet?" James impatiently challenged.
"Let's go with..."
(Given the brand new descriptions of all of the Walker family and friends, who's your choice?)