Victoria strolls over towards the cow woman with a beaming, friendly smile on her face, tail wiggling rapidly behind her toned rear as she moves. The cow noticed her immediately, her right eyebrow perking slightly as the bovine just watches the approaching dog she stood a few inches taller than and easily wider then, her annoyed facial expression shifting finally when she seems to decide that Vicky isn't too threatening, turrning into a small smirk.
"Hi there!" She said loudly, coming to stand infront of the seven foot cow, still shorter than her even in her heels, an unusual feeling for the dog who was used to being the tallest of all of her friends, something that seemed to intimidate most of the men she tried to flirt with. "Can I help ya with anythiing?"
"Uh. Yeh." She looks down across the rack of skirts again before glancing up towards Victoria, folding her beefy arms over her large tits, short, thin tail flicking a few times in annoyance. "Does you store not serve bigger sizes in clothing?" She snorts out in annoyance, a blast of air rushing over Victoria's face who looked a little shocked at that, messing up her already scruffy fur.
"Erf? Well, we mostly do! We even served an elephant once!" Vicky smiled again, nearly seeming proud of herself for that, but the cow seemed less than impressed so Victoria kept talking. "What all are you looking for anyway?"
"A totally new outfit, got a big date tonight and I want to look my best for her." The cow said, Vicky nearly giggling at the 'big date', immediately holding back a joke.
"Ah! Well, I'm sure we could find something in your size, come 'ere!" She giggles and grabs the cow by the hand, padding off towards the back store room, the cow begrudingly being led off, obviously annoyed at being led by the dog but she wanted a new outfit so she stuck with her for now. The dog dragged her into the back room, doors swinging shut behind them, leaving them both alone. The dog padded up to the racks of clothing there, where it held more of the far larger pieces of clothing for their customers
Victoria was quick at poking through the racks, her energetic personality coming in handy as she quickly moved around, looking for clothing that fit and matched before she finally reappeared infront of the cow with a big smile on her face, holding out the selection.
The cow blinked at the speed, and finally cracked a smile towards the helping husky, taking the selected clothing that all looked great to her, but she quickly noticed something was missing. "Uhhh, sorry lil husky, you forgot the panties...."
"Oh! There weren't any in your size! Don't worry though, with thighs as chubby as yours there's no way anyone'll be able to see up your skirt anyway!" Victoria said it with a smile, she was simply trying to pass it off as a joke but the cow's face changed, a deep frown appearing as she glared towards the husky.
"You lil bitch......!" The cow snorted again, warm air and even a little bit of mucus hitting the dog in the face again, "Call me chubby?! I'll make you pay." She grunted out deeply, clenching her hands into tight fists before pulling out a tiny remote, barely noticable in her paw, rapidly pressing several of the tiny buttons, the dog just standing there, a confused look on her face.
What does the cow do with the remote?