This choice: Sasha. You grew up closer to where she did than the others, so you're neighbors. • Go Back...
Hanji ZoΔ: Her?
Ymir: Her!?
Mikasa Ackerman & Christa Lenz: Sasha?
Sasha Braus: Me?!
But, why?
Aiden Darren: Well, after thinking it over, and I came to the conclusion...
[HZ]πShe'd experiment on me relentlessly,
[Ymir]πShe'd kill me,
[MA]πShe'd kill me & cook me up to save titan boy out there if shit hits the wall,
[CL]πAnd she...
Actually, you seem pretty nice & kind, but the last thing I want to do is put a wedge between you & freckles over there & risk my life for it.
As long as the huntress here can promise not to eat me, I think I'll be alright.
SB: I promise.
Ymir: You're going to regret it.
AD: I'll take my chances.
CL: Wait, we don't even know you're name.
AD: It's Aiden Darren. I already know everyone's names.
MA: Did you overhear them?
AD: Of course I did, I can hear a mouse squeak 3 kilometers away...
[To Hanji] By the way, I don't think you're supposed to scream in agony trying to relieve yourself.
HZ: I hate to admit that I've had troubles with my bowel movements as of late...
AD: I could make you a wild greens salad with extra chickweed.
Should help out with your bowels.
Ymir: So, you know a thing or two about foraging?
AD: You could say that...
If you know what you're looking for, you can get enough food to feed this outpost for a week without leaving an acre from here.
SB: I guess it's good to have someone else who knows how to survive off the land.
MA: If you're willing to teach us, we could harvest enough to have a more decent meal.
Ymir: Eh, what the hell.
It beats waking up starving.
SB: Alright then...
[Sasha moves you to her collar]
Lead the way, little guy.
[The Scout women exit your home, lead by Sasha, who in turn was lead by you.
After walking into a vast landscape of open plains, you told them to stop]
AD: Alright, this is where I get off...
Give me a few minutes and I'll forage some local flora you can grab that's safe for human consumption.
[Jogging around the area, you see plenty of prime specimens to show the ladies.
Picking a few samples of each, you return near them, organizing the foliage based on types & usage]
Over here!
Okay, so these right here are good for eating, these here are good for adding to food(seasoning), and finally here are plants good for medicinal purposes.
I'll be happy to answer any questions.
AD: Yes?
HZ: How were you able to run so fast with that little body of yours?
AD: Hey, I'm not little!
I'm actually pretty tall for my age...
As to answer your question, us dwellers can run as fast as your horses.
Hell, we can sprint even faster.
HZ:π€ Amazing!
I have so many other questions, but I suppose they can wait for later.
[As the ladies analyze the flora, you answered any of their questions about them.
With them foraging, you went out to acquire some more cooking supplies.
You extracted raw sugar from some hearty plants and salt from a pile of mineral stones.
After putting it in stone vessels, you also began foraging]
AD: That's it for this area...
I wonder how Sasha's fairing.
SB: Hmm?[Sasha looks down to see you by her foot]
Need help little, uh I mean Aiden?
AD: No, but I figure a fellow hunter would be better at spotting finer details than the others.
Mind if I tag along?
SB: Not at all.
Climb on up.
[With that said, you quickly climbed up to her shoulder]
[It didn't take long for the both of you to find more to forage, but a certain scent caught your attention]
AD: Sasha.
Crouch now, nice & slowly...And quietly.
SB:[Complying]π£πΆWhat is it?
AD:π£πThere's a pair of hares mating on your 8π. If you set me down, I should be able to find some pebbles to kill them with.
I might not look it, but the average dweller man is as strong as a dozen of yours.
If I'm lucky, I might hit them both-
I've got them....
Just hold onto something tight.
AD:π£πAre you crazy?
They're too fast for you to chase, and I'm not.
SB:π£πΆWho said anything about chasing them?
AD:π£πWait, what are you-?
[Right then & there, you got a premonition as to the feat the Scout Huntress would perform.
You quickly held onto her hair tendril before it was too late.
Like an apex predator, Sasha leaps at the mating hares with such speed & grace, she snatched both hares in each hand, flipped several times in the air before landing on the ground with her boots cutting into the earth to slow her down.
The sudden stop was too much for you, launching you forward a few meters onto the ground below.
By the time you sat up, she popped their necks like they were nothing.
She stood up whipping her hair into the air, which blew behind her due to a gale.
You could've sworn she was a goddess of the hunt right then & there.
She strolls over to you, crouching down to get a good look.
The sun shines down on her, illuminating her beautiful hair & her golden honey eyes]
SB: See?
I told you I got 'em...
[You had no words.
All you felt was amazement, apprehension, & admiration...
And a little arrousal]
AD: H...How did you...?
SB: I used to catch rabbits & hares bare handed all the time back home growing up.
This is nothing.
You mind helping me tie these to my 3DM harness? I wanna keep it as a surprise from the others for a bit.
I want to see the look on Jean's face when he sees this.
AD: He seems like the kind of guy that needs to be knocked down a peg or two...
Your secret is safe with me.
[You help her hang the hares on the sides of her chest strap in a way that she could hide them with her Scouts jacket]
[Back on her shoulder, you see something else]
I see some wild berries in the distance over there!
We should grab some.
SB: I don't see it.
AD: Dweller eyes can see much further than human eyes. Trust me.
SB: Alright, let's go.
[Riding on her shoulder, you guide her to the berries until they came to be visible to her]
Wow, you were right.
There's a whole bunch of different berries here.
Which could mean it came from deer scat, so I need to watch my step...
I recognize a few of these as edible, but I don't know about the the others.
AD: They're all edible...
Wait, you mean edible for dwellers or humans?
SB:π What do you think?
AD: Okay, okay...
I know which one your weak human digestive systems can handle...
Those blackberries for one.
A great find for dwellers, but the seeds might make it a bit more difficult for you humans...
Those blueberries are good too...
And that big patch of snake berries is A okay for human consumption.
You ought to pick as much of those as possible, since they're considered an invasive species.
SB: Got it.
You seem to be quite the survivalist.
AD: It's fairly common for us rural dwellers...
I've eaten just about everything you can think of...
Except for humans, titans & dwellers of course.
Actually, I think I technically did eat human.
SB: Ah, you mean when you bit Ymir.
AD: I'm just glad I didn't get sick.
Dwellers do use collected human blood for alchemy, but consuming it raw is risky with how potent & unpredictable it is.
SB:π° Uh...Why do you dwellers collect human blood?
AD: We're not bloodsucking parasites.
We take a portion of shed blood as payment for our healing services.
SB: Healing services?
AD: We can heal other living beings of virtually any injury or ailment, but since it takes a toll on our lifeforce, it runs a risk of our own lives so we take previously shed blood for payment, it's basically liquid lifeforce.
Ever known or heard of someone survive a life-threatening incident?
It's no miracle, it's our healers.
And before you ask, yes, I know how to heal, but don't go thinking I can save mortal wounds.
You'd need more dwellers working together to heal stuff like that.
SB: Cool!
Ok, I think I got enough berries, so we should part ways until we're all done.
AD: Very well.
[You hop off her shoulder and part ways]
[After another hour of foraging, the ladies gather up their harvest, which was fairly bountiful]
HZ: I think we did quite a good job.
AD: I'll say...
All you need is some game, and you have enough food for a week at least.
HZ: Let's hope those boys return with some thing good.
We should head back to get this stuff prepared while we wait for them.
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