Janelle was attending the girls' basketball game sitting in the bleachers with 2 of her fat club members. The difference between the two teams was huge, the visitors were skinny, lightweight, teenage girls wearing the usual loose fitting basketball uniform and their hair in ponytails, whereas the home team was fat with tight tank tops showing cleavage and not reaching down past their belly button, their shorts were tight and barely covered anything, every girl on the team was showing off an ass crack on the top and their ass hung out from the bottom. The visitors' arms and legs were sticklike with no excessive jiggling whereas the hometeam had jiggling and fat shaking everytime a girl reached out for the ball, a visitor got a face full of arm flab by a home team girl trying to intercept a pass. Some of the home team girls wore their hair in a ponytail while others let it flow.
The home team was totally losing but no one was bothered by that in fact they were pleased cause it showed off the girls feminine curves and fatness. "Wow 80-0, our girls are so out of shape, ha I love it! Just look at them pant and waddle. And don't you just love watching their big boobs and butts jiggle as they run, oh and when they jump, boy do their tits really bounce!" Janelle said to her members "Yes our girls really are putting on a show jiggling for everyone, but man we're getting crushed out there, must have been that mandatory pregame pizza loading." one of the members said. "Its not about who wins its about who looks good and our girls win head and toe over those...skeletons." Janelle said while grabbing a handful of buttery popcorn. "By the way how much food are the female spectators buying?" Janelle asking her club member "Real good Janelle sales are through the roof, I mean just look around." Throughout the gym girls were stuffing their faces with popcorn, candy, hotdogs, nachoes, icecream. Bellies were hanging out from under the shirts, dresses were beginning to tear, tits were spilling and bursting out of tops, skirts were riding up covering less and less of the average girl's ever growing ass. Even some of the basketball players were eating, while on the court, as someone from the stands shouted "Is that player eating a hotdog?" The girls on the sidelines were really pigging out, stuffing their faces with burgers, fattening up on cake, and washing it down with milkshakes while the visitors looked at them in disbelief. "And look at our cheerleaders, so feminine and curvy, body fat jiggling and bouncing with every movement, plus their uniforms look much nicer on them than before. Now their boobs have grown and now their short shirt covers as much as a bikini does" Janelle said "Unlike those sicklooking visitors, man if I could only get 1 week with them I could really butter those girls up." "Yes you sure know what you're doing, I was worried the baskeball players might lose weight after the game but with how much food you make sure is available I think the girls are actually gaining." said one of her members.
After the game with home girls losing 106-0, Janelle had a victory(for jiggling) feast waiting for the girls but then looked at how skinny the other team was and out of good sportsmanship ordered more food and invited them. The visitors were resistive but Janelle convinced them to come and eat, even though she practically had the fatgirl club drag their scrawny asses. The home girls feasted and indulged but the visitors were meekly tasting so Janelle had thehome girls feed them. Some held them while others shoved cake in their mouths. An hour later the visitors left with bulging stomachs but also strangely satisfied. "Hopefully this feast set those girls on the right path."Janelle said while eating a huge slice of cake. "But theres still work that needs to be done here,right girls?" Janelle said arousing weight gaining enthusiasim among the girls. "Yeah!" they all said throwing their arms in the air swaying their fat arms. Janelle was going to fatten the remaining skinny girls by...