Still amazed to be looking at his sister in the mirror, Ryan gave his new breasts a squeeze. They actually felt quite nice. Continuing to feel his new body up, he felt a moist feeling between his legs. Curious, he gave the void he now felt there a rub through the skirt he was now wearing.
"Mmm, woah," Ryan moaned quietly as he was met with pleasure. It was certainly different from what he was used to.
Before Ryan could explore any further, however, his old body suddenly barged into the room. "What are you doing, Ashley?" his body asked in a suspicious tone.
Ryan was confused for a moment before remembering he was now in his sister's life and she now thought she was him and would act accordingly. Of course, knowing it was really Ashley, he couldn't help feeling annoyed with her. "Uh, nothing," he said, withdrawing his hands. "Get out."
"No you get out," 'Ryan' snapped back. "I need to pee."
"Fine," Ryan told his own body before exiting.
"Girls are so weird sometimes," he heard his old body mutter as the door shut. Ryan couldn't help but smirk at that, finding it ironic for Ashley to say such a thing even if she was, for all intents and purposes, him now.
Lingering in the hallway a bit longer, Ryan thought about his next move. Being in Ashley's life presented new opportunities to explore, but at the same time, he also had a new remote to mess around with. But he wondered if he should swap back before using it further. Soon enough, the sound of the toilet flushing could be heard through the bathroom door, which soon opened. As his old body exited and walked past him, Ryan took aim with the remote, pondering using it on Ashley again. Before his body disappeared into his room, Ryan...