You explain what you know about your situation to her. She listens to you carefully, nodding with concern as you tell. When you finish, she sits back in her chair and thinks to herself for a minute. Then, she finally talks.
"I'll have a word or two with Ms. Ducasse. It seems like something's going on, and I have no idea why this is happening to you," she says before standing up from her chair.
"Thank you! Do you think there's anyway you can get me back to normal?"
The principal looks down at you without a response right away.
"I..." she begins. "We'll take all the appropriate measures to make sure that Ms. Ducasse is severely punished for doing this to you."
She walks away and leaves out the door, and you sigh.
"But, you didn't answer my question..."
Almost as soon as she leaves, the door bursts open once again and Miranda appears in the way. She quickly spots you on the desk and rushes over to you.
"Whew! I'm glad I could save you in time! Let's go!" she says quickly as she cups you inside of her soft, warm hands.
"Wait! Where are we going?" you had no idea if she was even on your side or not.
However, before she could run back through the door, the secretary woman, Valerie, appeared and blocked her way.
"Nuh uh uh! You have something that we need," she tells Miranda.
Your freshman savior turns around quickly, but finds nowhere to go. And, to make things worse, Ms. Ducasse suddenly comes barging in through a window, smashing it and sending glass everywhere, to block off the only other possible exit.
"Now then, little Miss Miranda," Ms. Ducasse says sweetly. "You have a choice... Either give him up quickly... Or..."
Valerie pulls a small, strangely-shaped gun from behind her back, aiming it at Miranda.
"Or..." Valerie adds, "you can join your little friend and enjoy the same fate as him."
Miranda looked nervously between the two women and you, feeling the pressure. It was up to her whether or not she wanted to try to save you, or give you up in order to save herself.