(Originally authored by faith)
Duality is the cornerstone of the world. Not many people see it, of course. They take their world for granted, take for granted the pieces that allow them to thrive. But for everything that exists, there must be something that stands parallel and opposite it. Darkness waits and the edges of every light. Good walks beside evil. Yin and Yang constantly dance around one another. Life is the opposite of death. Without one, the other becomes meaningless.
Perhaps this is why there are two sides to every mirror. Its a well kept secret, of course. People use them every day, happily grooming themselves in front of the glass. Sometimes a person will simply stare, admiring themselves, indulging in a bit of vanity. Some even come looking for solace, staring at their doppleganger looking for a meaning or calming raw emotions.
How many would stop and stare, do you think, if they knew the mirrors can stare back?
Jenny lives in a place that is nowhere. Some might call it purgatory, though she couldn't say for sure. It is a place of silence, of perfect blackness that goes on forever. Jenny can slip into dreams, but she can never truly sleep. Hanging in the perpetual midnight of the not-world is the closest she comes, content to be forgotten and to avoid remembering.
But the voices come, sooner or later. Some hesitant, frightful, meekly whispering. Some mocking, confident, unbelieving. But they come all the same, intoning the little rhyme are her betrayers. And as the words trickle in, memories begin to bubble up. Deep, all consuming humiliation in front of townsfolk long dead and passed on to other rewards. Betrayal like a knife through the heart. Jenny opens her eyes, and begins to walk. The whispers lead her on, the world slipping and swirling in the dark. Flickers of light rise and fall, images bending and melting like the warp of a funhouse mirror or tumbling sharply like the turn of a kaleidiscope. Jenny comes at last to the edge of this not-world...to the border on the far side of a mirror. She can see the silhouette of someone, staring at her from a darkened room. And then, the figure in the living world flicks on a light switch, and Jenny sees for the first time the face of the one who called her. This is the one that awakened her memories anew...this is the one she will heap her torments upon.
But who is it?