It wasn't too difficult finding the aforementioned bakery as the witch like cat had been to the small eatery many times in the past to 'liberate' food from the friendly owner. The walk itself was nice, the breeze was gentle and the air was cold. Blair found this to be one of better perks of being a sentient cat, being able to enjoy the simple things in life. And snacks were quite simple themselves as well. With her nimble black cat form, it didn't take long for Blair to reach the store. However, as it was night time already, the bakery was understandably closed. Usually Blair would have been able to catch the owner cleaning up and get him to let her have some leftovers from the work day. This time, it looked like the owner headed home early. Sitting, the cat placed a paw to her chin and thought of what to do next.
"I don't think he would mind if I sneaked in and did a little taste testing of my own." said the black cat to herself as she jumped towards the roof and used her magic to open up the window. Gracefully hoping in, she landed on the floor, and took a look of her surroundings. The chairs had been flipped on top of the various tables and the display case had been emptied out for the night. In a flash, the black cat changed into a young woman, with a black dress, shoulder length purple hair, yellow eyes and a matching black witch hat. In her human form, Blair made sure to show herself as a curvy young woman, mostly as it could help her get whatever she wanted from other humans. As there was nothing on the bakery floor, the cat had the idea of checking the kitchen to see if there was any pastries saved for the next day. Walking into the next room, Blair walked towards the fridge and a pleasant sight awaited her. Plenty of different pastries sat on the shelves of the fridge, such as cheesecakes, pumpkin pies, eclairs, essentially anything sweet and baked.
"Ooh, don't mind if I help myself." said the witch cat in a sing song voice."
Back at their apartment, Maka was still eating her slice of pumpkin pie, savoring the sweet and spicy taste. Soon after, Soul entered, just returning from doing errands. Maka ignored her weapon, still peeved from their earlier spat. Walking over to her, he saw that she was enjoying the pastry. Of course, he couldn't help but crack a few jokes.
"Hey, you do know that sweets go to your fat ankles right?"
"Hmph, all the better to kick your scrawny ass with."