The night was like any other for the treasure hunting bat, as she found herself returning to her humble abode after another successful night of emerald hunting. Finally completing her set of chaos emeralds for once, all she needed now was the matching set of Sol emeralds to really make herself happy, but that involves dealing with the Sol emeralds pesky “guardian”, Blaze. Normally something so out of the way Rouge wouldn’t bat an eye at, but considering how good she felt after this successful job, what was it to try one last time for the night? And besides...Rouge had plenty to share with Blaze anyhow, with enough “persuasion” maybe Rouge could even get more out of the feline princess~
Putting her plan into motion, Rouge sent out a “mysterious” letter” in the princesses direction, inviting her to this exact location, her home, giving Blaze some false hope of returning home to her kingdom, when in actuality it would be Rouge giving her the show of her life! And for that Rouge needed to be at her best, her worst, completely in the nude. Removing her sweat soaked skintight suit, Rouge allowed her body to breath, feeling the cool air of her home flow all across her body as sweat trickled down her glistening skin and sliding all the way down, as droplets either fell to the floor or trickled down her backside and got lost down her crack.
Prepping her home for the arrival of Blaze,Rouge dimmed the lints to her home, leaving it completely in the dark as she waited patiently for her to arrive. And soon enough, Blaze did find herself approaching the home, albeit weary of said place. How on Mobius could someone other than Tails manage to make a gateway to home for her? And why....what sort of reasoning would someone have to send her back? Either way, Blaze needed to see for herself what this was about, so she entered the home, entering the darkness as Rouge waited for an opportune moment to enact her plan.
”Hello? I’ve been notified to come to this location so that I may return home? Is anyone here!”
As Blaze scouted the home in search of anyone to aid her, Rouge was this as the best moment to act, as she swooped down from the roof of her home and aimed her naked backside to the back of Blaze’s head without her even picking up on her! With herself in position, she quickly tipped Blaze off, calling out to her as she said
”Of course sister, I got your ticket home right here~”
Catching Blaze off guard, the princess quickly spun around, only to be greeted by the sweaty and retched backside of Rouge the bat as she wiggled in her face, blasting at her a rancid gust of gas in her face as she fell back into a wall!
Head spinning and nose retching from the horrid smell, Blaze head spun as she looked up to she her attacker, only to be greeted by their backside in her face once again! Struggling to fight them off, Blaze cupped both her hands on the large set of cheeks, trying to throw them off to no avail! After a minute trapped between them, her breathing was growing weaker with a lack of oxygen and a horrid stench of farts and musk filling her lungs. With a chance to tie her up, Blaze laughed before pushing her rear completely against Blaze’s face, trapping her entire head in between her cheeks before giving Blaze a large batch of her farts yet again, directly pouring them all down her lungs until she was k.o.ed!
With her hands slowly falling off Rouge’s backside and drooping down by her sides, the hot headed princess quickly succumbed to Rouge’s powerful flatulence, as it burned her sense of smell so badly that her dreams were haunted by it as she sat still, giving Rouge plenty of time to set everything just right...
Three hours had passed before Blaze finally awoke, her head pounding as her nose ached from an awful aroma that was still strong in her system as she wheezed and coughed on the floor, quickly realizing that she had been tied and bound to the floor as her captor placed a ball gag in her mouth! Wiggling around and screaming, Blaze tried to light the rope around her a flame yet nothing seemed to be working for her! As she struggled however, she quickly saw that her captor revealed themselves, leaving Blaze rather annoyed to see that it was Rouge that plotted this whole scheme, no less meaning that this was about the Sol emeralds.
”So glad you could join me, Blaze-y~ was getting worried my gas did more damage than I was going for! But now that you’re up, I’m sure you know what I want~ and considering I know that you’re quite the fighter...I’d say we can skip all the talking, and just get into the fun stuff, hmhm~!”
Turning around and aiming her butt back at Blaze, the cat began to panic again as she tried to get away, only to fail miserably as she was still bound to the floor! Once again, Blaze’s face was trapped between Rouge’s large backside as she wiggled and shook it around Blaze’s head, completely throwing the princess’s mind around as she was still lightheaded after the first round of this! And soon enough, Rouge’s stomach gurgled, indicating we’ll just what that meant for the poor feline...
”I wonder just how strong you really are though, Blaze~ just how badly can I break you, mm? Will you manage only to give me those Sol emeralds of yours...or can I push for even more~