Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1720129-Buffy-Couples-GROW
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Rated: XGC · Interactive · Adult · #1720129
IN Sunnydale, couples suddenly grow bigger...and hornier. Gift points for good entries!

IN Sunnydale, couples suddenly grow bigger...and hornier. Gift points for good entries!

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
There are a couple Interactives where Buffy or another character grows. Here, however, the name of the game is couples. At least two characters must grow, and grow BIG.

I have began adding some story starting points for people to begin with, but feel free to create your own scenarios!

Some important things to remember:

-You can't have one person grow bigger by themselves or become so big that their partner looks small. This is about having two giant people together, experiencing the adventure together.

-There is no limit to growth.

-You are welcome to add other kinks (watersports, vore, mind control, transformation), but I reserve the right to delete your addition if you move the focus too far away from growth.

-This is suppose to be erotic, so there will be sex. Don't be surprised when it appears. Infact, growing should make the characters horny enough to want to get it down!

-If you must let clothing grow with them, it should be ditched as soon as possible!

-Any couple is up for grabs...even if you want to go the incest route and have Buffy and Joyce or Buffy and Dawn.

-I'd prefer no male/male slash, but if you must, I guess its ok. Female/female slash is fine though.

-You can have more than 2 people grow...infact, if you want all the Scoobies to become giants and use the town as their mattress, the more power too you!

-Make your chapters longer than a few sentences. Atleast a paragraph or two. The longer, the better.

-Don't jump into a storyline and change everything. If one storyline is focused on just two characters, don't add a third without giving everyone the option of staying with the first story.

-I reserve the right to delete short, nonsense chapters.
IMPORTANT NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: The content in this story has been rated XGC. However, since this story is created by members, Writing.Com can not control the content within it. As with any item on Writing.Com, the content rating MAY or MAY NOT be accurate and the site makes no guarantees as to the accuracy. Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates will not be held responsible for the content within this interactive story. Posters accept all responsibility, legal and otherwise, for the content they've uploaded / submitted / posted on Writing.Com.
Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1720129-Buffy-Couples-GROW