“OK let’s see, if tits are too big they don’t look good in a bikini, so yours would be well shaped but not to big! Maybe a good sized C-Cup” he says.
You laugh at the thought of having good sized C-cups.
“And of course your hair would have to go” he states like there was no point of any discussion.
“Hey what’s wrong with brown hair, there are plenty of hot brunettes out there” I say
“Yeah, but were talking about my dream girl remember? So you would have curly blonde hair, about shoulder length, and it should smell like spring time…” he says with a goofy smile as he takes another drink.
“Alright now let’s talk about body shape; wide hips, nice round ass, but overall athletic, some toned muscles, flat stomach, soft to the touch but not fat…” he says
You start to laugh at the thought of a flat stomach as you look down at yours, which was not so flat like it could be, maybe too much beer.
“Okay now I know I might regret this but what kind of clothes would I wear? Since so far all we know is my tits would look good in a bikini top.” You say laughing
“I don’t know, you would still be you so what kind of stuff would female you like to wear? I mean you would own some dresses, and skirts instead of your suits, but you could still wear jeans, though they would be girl jeans so they would be a little tighter,” he says laughing,
“But it would be whatever you want cause female you would have plenty of money to spend on clothes.” He says
“Oh wow, sounds like female me would be living better then I am,” I say since currently I haven’t bought new clothes in years; then again men don’t need new clothes that often, “Okay so where is all this money to spare coming from?” I ask
“Well female you would have a way better job then you; instead of slaving away as a nameless cubical filler, she could be like your bosses executive assistant or something.” He says,
“And at the end of the day we will be able to just hang out like this?” I asked to complete his idea and he confirmed. “Yeah, and you would even be able to drink like this, cause you know women usually don’t have any tolerance for alcohol” he says laughing
“Speaking of heavy drinking, I’ll be right back.” You say as you head to the bathroom.
When you returned you see that Will has passed out on the couch, so you head upstairs and pass out in the bed.