It was Cynder, the black scaled dragoness had caught up to Spyro and is currently gawking at the massive city. Her tail being dragged behind her because she was currently too shocked to keep it lifted.
"This... this is just huge" she said flabbergasted, shaking her head just to make sure that it was not some delusion brought upon by lack of sleep. She turned to Spyro with her eyes wide asking, "I cant believe you found this and didn't tell me!"
"I was going too" Spyro retorted, hopping around to face Cynder, "but I'm also kind stunned that this is even real, let alone that it might all be MINE!"
"Yours" Cynder scoffed, "I know the whole 'finders keepers thing, but claiming an entire city of riches like that is a bit extre..." She then noticed the large statue of Spyro, and like her arguments, her jaw fell "Well... never mind then." The purple dragon of legend couldn't help but chuckle seeing the strong and independent Cynder being rendered speechless by a statue of himself. Still, to give Cynder credit, he was probably even more speechless, though the gears in his brain were on full overdrive. He could be the luckiest, wealthiest, and most powerful dragon currently in existence, he was set for life. Scratch that, both he AND Cynder were set for life, a very wealthy life that was normally reserved for penny pinching elders who did not know the meaning of 'splurging'. Heck, he'd be able to Ember and give her a life of excess without even denting the supply of gold and jewels. Spyro even smiled at the idea of keeping the pink dragon on the other side of the city that was so massive that even if she flew she would probably NEVER see him again.
"What are you going to do with all this?" asked Cynder, her eyes wide with curiosity and a tiny twinkle of begging.
"You mean what are 'we' going to do with all this" responded Spyro with a smile, only to have more joy well up within him when he saw the dragoness suddenly start getting giddy before quickly regaining her composure. "Still, your right, what 'are' we going to do with all this?"
Three possible choices:
A. The Best Treasure Doesn't Glitter Like Gold: Spyro and Cynder decide to explore the city and let the vastness of their newly acquired hoard sink in. While they explore though, the two find several interesting magical items and machines that are marked with strange descriptions written near them that is a bit vague. This place also has a large stone arch that looks like a portal, and a meager library. ((Anything from weight gain, to inflation, Transformation, sky's the limit))
B. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely: Spyro and Cynder decide that a city of gold is still a city, 'their' city. So after sending the word out people quickly flooded in to populate the wealthiest city in the world, hoping to acquire their own riches, and if not, they knew that the "Purple Dragon of Legend", a hero to all, would be a great and just ruler. That might have been true of Spyro and Cynder given that they were of decent age, but both are still young and immature, immediately using their massive wealth to live like royalty, it's the least they should get after saving the world after all. Unfortunately, the seduction of excessively extravagant creature comforts, the aspect of seemingly unlimited wealth that's constantly growing, and the still predominant image of being 'heros', very quickly turn the two goodie goodie young dragons into a pair of selfish, gluttonous, slothful child dictators with just enough charisma when needed to get the hired hands and city residents to do what they want. This lifestyle of excessive eating, lack of movement, and constant pleasure is sure to impact both of their waistlines. ((Weight Gain))
C. I Always Feel Like, Somebody's Watching Me: Unknowing to the two of them, the city had it's own residents, currently hiding in the shadows. It was a mystery if these things were hostile or friendly, if they would treat the two dragons as the incarnation of their purple god, or were they going to do something terrible like force water down their throats in an effort to extinguish the dragon's fire, turning the two into vaguely dragon shaped water beds? ((Weight Gain, Inflation (maybe something else entirely)