You can't believe your luck: you're only 6' and your opponent is 9', a good notch foot than most of the other anthro-women. What's more, she's armed with a wooden staff and a bola; hell, her "armor" is a pair of shin guards, a shapely breastplate, and a shoulder pad (you don't count her leather thong as armor, naturally). You, meanwhile, have been outfitted with your sweet double-sword, shin guards, leather half-fanny bikini, breastplate, and a basic metal helmet. Confidence is practically dripping off you; the mouse-girl may have more experience in the arena, but she doesn't have the height advantage most of the other anthros would and she's a larger target compared to you.
The mouse-girl offers Nara a salute before assuming a battle stance, and you take your own. The crowd doesn't quiet in the least even though you aren't fighting yet; their yells for a good and violent show continue.
Finally, the mouse-girl bursts forward with a speed that surprises you. You're barely able to dive to the forward and to the side as she swipes her staff upwards; clearly she wanted to sweep your feet and possibly crack your bones, resulting in a quick win.
The crowd roars with excitement as the fight picks up. They cheer both of you on.
The mouse pours it on, twirling her staff and advancing. You drive your weapon forward, intending to hit her in the center, but she breaks off her whirling assault and sidesteps. You immediately slash with your other blade and amazingly slice her left inner thigh. She manages to get away before you can slash again, but is clearly weakened, almost hobbling.
You strike again, and because of her bad leg, the mouse-girl looses her footing and doesn't get her block up in time, and your blade presses against her throat.
Hesitating, you look the mouse-girl in the eyes. There's a mysterious gleam to her brown orbs, one that twists your gut. Something is very wrong...
"Congratulations!" Nara declares, her voice booming through the arena. "This is a wonderful day! Not only have we witnessed the stunning defeat of one of our most promising gladiatorial stars, but we have seen the prowess of a fresh, nubile male! I have no doubts that the gods have smiled on us today!"
She pauses and a roar of praise sounds through the arena, practically deafening you. Everything she said made you sound like a steer on display at a butcher's auction and---
Oh, fuck me.
The mild exposure of your ass. The general lack of armor. The exotic weapon. The public appearance. The win against a seasoned fighter. The creepy speech. The lack of any males... You're the newest sex toy for an island of over-sized beast-femmes. Nara's been showing you off this whole time.
I am so dead.
"Guards!" Nara commanded. "Escort our guest back to the palace and have him prepared. I will personally bless him before he is added to our city's brothel for all to enjoy!"
The crowd's thunderous accolades of joy at their empress's decision is all you're aware of as two anthros, eyes twinkling and lips being licked in anticipation of your brothel instatement, drag you off.