It was hard to look at it, the creature that was pulling you down. Not because it was ugly (which it was), but because it was just so BIG. There was just no way to take all of it in at once, not that there was much to take in. The creature seemed to have a grey blob for a body - not very interesting. What was more interesting was the large tentacle wrapped around both your legs (damn, it was learning) and the giant eye it was pulling you towards.
The eye looked like that huge eye from Lord of the Rings - a giant bloodshot mix of red, orange, and yellow, complete with a black vertical slit for a pupil. The creature held you in front of this eye, and just stared at you. It may have just been oxygen deprivation, but after a certain point you started to think that it wasn't merely look at you, but it was actually looking into you. Then you "realized" it was looking at your soul. Unable to stand it anymore, you tried to scream, but were met only with a mouthful of water.
You couldn't see. You couldn't breathe. You were being filled with water. You started thrashing about, desparate to get away. Air. You needed air. You were going to die here. Unable to do anything else you passed out.
Darkness. Darkness everywhere. Were you floating or falling? Did it matter?
Gradually, you became aware of your surroundings. You were lying down on your front, on something soft. You could feel fabric on top of and beneath you, so you were probably in a bed somewhere. There was a noise you couldn't quite make out. After awhile, you realized it was a female voice, humming tunelessly.
"Mom?" you call out, not opening your eyes, not sure of anything anymore.
"Yes, dear?" The voice had been humming replied. That was comforting, somehow. It seemed vaguely familiar.
"I had this really bad dream. I was shipwrecked on this island of animal women, and they put me in a room with this huge monster, and I was drowning, and,"
You're cut off by someone gently stroking your head. "Shhhh. You're safe now. Get some rest." The female voice resumed it's humming, and doing as you were told, you drifted back into slumber.
You woke up feeling a little dazed, and uncertain where you were. You open your eyes and take in the surrounding environment. It looked like an ornately decorated bedroom about the size of an airplane hangar. That's when you saw something that made it very clear that you weren't in bed. You saw the face of that giant skunk anthro grinning down at you. You had been using her as a bed! "Ah, you're awake little one. Did you sleep well?"
“Er, yes I did. Thank you. And I’d prefer that you call me “Jake”, not “little one”.”
“Very well, Jake,” the giant skunk said. “And I’d prefer that you call me Sarina.”
“Okay, Sarina. Um. How long have I been sleeping on you?”
“Oh, since we fished you out of the hot spring. Although you did wake up once, briefly,”
You realized why the voice from before seemed familiar. “You mean that was you that I was talking to?” you asked, embarrassed. “I’m really sorry about that! I-“
Once again, Sarina cut you off by stroking your head. For someone of her size, she was incredibly gentle. “There is nothing to be sorry about. You were confused, and were seeking comfort. Do not feel shame over that.”
“Oh, well thank you. But if that wasn’t a dream then…” You left the sentence hanging.
“Yes, you did almost drown, and yes, there was a giant creature looking at you. Before you ask, we know little about it. Indeed, we know little beyond that this island is built on top of it, that the Creature is so vast it is no longer capable of movement, and that it wishes to protect us when it can.” You shifted into a sitting position, getting ready to hear what she had to say. “The Creature has telepathic abilities; that’s how we know it means no harm. Over the years, others have come to this island, though you are the first human to arrive. Many of these individuals had malevolent intentions, and would have killed us if not for the Creature. It has become standard that whenever someone washes up on our island, we bring it before the Creature to stand in judgment. If they are deemed a threat, they are killed. If not, they may live.”
“And I was deemed not a threat, right?” you asked.
Sarina nodded, then scooped you up in both hands and raised you up so you were face-to-face with her. (Sort of. More like body-to-face.) “And you know what that means?” she asked in a barely-containing-excitement voice.
“It means…YOU GET TO STAY WITH US!” she shouted. Then, before you had recovered from the sudden outburst, Sarina was nuzzling you. Rather forcefully.
“Um, Sarina? I can’t breathe,” you managed to say.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I was just so excited! You know what? I want to make what happened earlier up to you. You and me, in my private bath! What do you think?”
What you thought was that Sarina was rather attractive. What you also thought was that she was more than a little over-excited. Trying to be tactful, you asked, “Do I have a choice?”
Sarina paused to think about this for a moment, and then cheerfully said, “Nope!” She then swiftly lowered her hands to her mid-torso, and clasped them to her body, trapping you. You could feel Sarina get up and start walking. “Don’t worry! It’ll be fine. There are no giant monsters in my bath." Sarina paused, then added in a seductive voice, "Well, unless you’re counting me, handsome.”
"It was the “handsome” that caught you off guard. You’re about to take a bath with a giant anthro skunk chick who’s a total hottie, and who thinks you're handsome?! Maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing after all…