Name: Purin Momoyama
Gender: Female
- Wigglytuff
Age: 30
Description: Purin is the second tallest being around 5'10" and has a rather chubby physique. Purin has, poofy pink color haired that's medium length and wavy, however she has a curly bang that's located at the center of her forehead. The pink bunny ears found on all Wigglytuff jut from the top of her head. Her attire consists of a pink turtle necked sweater with fushia dress. Often wears slippers that are also of the pink color, but will wear red pumps when ever she leaves the house.
Personality: Despite her somewhat odd (and childish) name, Purin is something of a 'Team Mom'; although in this sense she's a bit of an...eccentric team mom. Purin's personality is rather odd and erratic, not easily readable by many and yet admired by some for it grants her unfailing cheerfulness towards most situations even if it's a dangerous one. However, despite her odd personality, her maternal traits shine through nonetheless, doing well to take care of the younger members of her team, Hayami and Ritsu, although this doesn't stop her from trying to baby Kumada, much to his embarassment...
Extra: Rumor has it that Purin's youth was filled with her being a troublemaker unlike any other, she rarely confirms this but doesn't say it's untrue either. Despite her pink and fluffy exterior, Purin's increadibly strong in the physical department, she may very well be equal to (or might even surpass) Kumada in terms of physical prowess.
Name: Hayami Yuta
Gender: Male
- Pichu
Age: 16
Description: Short, being only around 4'4", with a slightly tanned complexion. Dons, short bright yellow hair with the large ears of his species on top of his head. Wears a yellow, sleeveless vest and a black scarf of sorts, below are his black shorts that seem to go well white and yellow sneakers. Wears BlackGlasses atop his head...probably as a way to make him look Cool/Tough.
Personality: Hayami is much like any excitable youth his age, being driven by impulse and whatever else that brings him an adrenaline rush. Being the youngest of the group, Hayami does have a childish streak that's just as strong as his impulsive and rash nature. This being said, Hayami believes in himself to a large degree and feels that he can take on anything he wants so long as he has the willpower coursing through his body to propel him forward through whatever has challenged him. Of course, this doesn't always work out and, for the times it doesn't, he's often in a rut trying to figure out just how he failed or why. Also seems to be simple minded and can cause a lot of trouble because of his actions...
Extra: Like all Pichu, he can't control his electric powers and thus shocks himself on occasions. However, he is noted for having unusually powerful electrical powers for his age. Has a crush on Ritsu.
Name: Ritsu Akimori
Gender: Female
- Emolga
Age: 20
Description: Second shortest next to Hayami, being around 5'4" and has a fair complexion. Ritsu's hair is black and fashioned in a bob cut, her rounded Emolga ears near the side of her head. Has a white shirt and a yellow, plaid skirt with black loafers. Wears a black capelet with a yellow underside. Her 'Emolga tail' pokes out from over her dress, instead of under. Ritsu has a somewhat slender figure, one that's easily dwarfed by Purin's zaftig figure. Although, as far as this goes, Ritsu has 'wide hips'...which could easily hint on where most of her fat could end up provided she gains anything.
Personality: Ritsu is a rather skittish girl and easily startled, alongside this is her huge weakness for embarrassment. It doesn't take much to get this Emolga blushing, even talking about her childhood will get her to cover her ears in embarrassment. Around others, she's fairly quiet and doesn't go out of her way to speak unless spoken to, however if given a chance to open up she can be friendly and kind. Ritsu hates being treated differently because of her gender, having grown up in a home that consisted of, mostly male individuals, she feels she can do just as good as any boy so long as she's given the chance to excel.
Extra: Is a bit of a nerd and has a liking towards computers. Is a big eater, claiming her voracious appetite is due to her 'lightning fast' metabolism, something that's actually not uncommon among Emolga or other rodent type pokemon.
Name: Kumada Maehata
- Ursaring
Age: 35
Description: Has an appearance very fitting for his species; large, burly, and generally intimidating with a combined appearance of both muscled and chubby. Kumada is essentially the tallest of the group, being around 6'11" with short brown hair and small bear-like ears on his head, has a rather gruff facial appearance with a stubble of facial hair along his chin. Wears a brown, short-sleeved button up shirt with a tan ring located on the back of said shirt. Dark green trousers and dark brown boots.
Personality: A hardened and rather imposing individual who's mere visage instills fear in anyone around him. In truth, he's not as bad as he looks and has a rather gentle personality, Purin telling of how he can be 'one big ol' teddy bear'...much to his embarrassment. Having experienced many battles in his youth and even more so after his evolution, Kumada is an expert on fighting and uses this experience to protect his team and better himself as a fighter. As the oldest, he sees it as his duty to make sure the 'youngins' don't get into too much trouble and tries to keep them safe if a powerful foe arises. Also seems to have had a past relationship with Purin, but rarely speaks of it in greater detail beyond 'we were young then'...
Extra: Sleeps a lot, living up to the 'Hibernation' part of his species. Has an innate fear for Poison Moemon and taught himself 'Earthquake' as a counter measure of dealing with them. Beware if his 'Guts' ability awakens...
- The four of them live in a small town and take various missions that come in the mail. Although they have no specific type of mission they'll accept, it's been known that they excel at exploration and rescue missions. They can also be divided into separate teams to expand the fields of missions they can go into, Hayami and Ritsu are great with scouting missions, while Kumada and Purin work well in catching fugitive Moemon.
= Scenerios =
- My Enormous Emolga: Ritsu, frustrated that she was unable to catch a Fugitive Moemon who was much bigger than her, seeks to make her self stonger any way she can so she can give the mission another go. Of course, Purin being the motherly figure she is knows of one way she can help the power hungry making her pudgy of course. Although, given how things tend to go...could Purin and other Moemon also be sucked into this little plot as well?
- Michi no Boushoku ~ Desires Connected to Enlightenment: The Team gets a strange request from a gourmet moemon to help escort her to the Pagoda of Feasts located at the peak of the Yama no Tengoku (Mountain of Heaven). Word has it that all the best competitive eaters, chefs and conisuerrs head there for all sorts of knowledge on food, dishes and recipes. Their client seeks to find and taste the elusive Holy Pie of Gautama and learn of it's secret taste. It's going to be a rough journey up the mountain, but Purin's packed lots of food for the trip and there's rumor that the mountain itself is fertile with all sorts of berries and fruits to indulge upon.
- ???: You decided how the story goes. It's a free write adventure, basically.