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Inspired by Switcher's "Moritary Arms" a mad sceintist swaps guests, and sometimes staff. |
Inspired by Switcher's "Moritary Arms" a mad sceintist swaps guests, and sometimes staff.
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
so this time Dannyf inds him self in a hotel where the guestes get swapped with each other because of a mad sceintist. Dr. Elizibeth Hienz Gortelstump, PHD. (yes its a girl) gets her kicks from these swaps (often tg swaps) as well as data on the human body. The swaps take place at night when everyone is asleep. If people stay up to late, sleep gasses are released. They are then whealed down on seperat carts to the lab to be tested on.
Danny blonde hair in a sort of messy-but-sexy style 14 average build
Brittany blonde long hair, D- cups, 17, sexy body
Anna beown, short hair, just has started to get boobs but is too young for a bra, 10, shorter than her peers
Linda (mom) Long wavy brown hair, E-cups, 36, realy hot for her age, loks like she nevy had kids
I decided to leave the dad out of this.
Danny's family could be at the hotel for a couple of reasons, On their way to a wedding, on vacation, ect. so please add chapters about what happens after they leave the hotel.
No one who was swapped notices, other people who don't notice would be friends or family of the people swapped. Staff dosen't really care, other geustes notice but shrug it off.
Same rules as usual, no sex or dieing, cursing and sexual content is okay but kept light.
Have fun and PLEASE ADD CHAPTERS!!! |
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