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Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1709163
Story of a street racer called Paolo, who was released from the Underground racing scene.

Story of a street racer called Paolo, who was released from the Underground racing scene.

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Present day: Blacklist #15 (Razor) and Paolo race. Both cars are being pursued by cops. Paolo then races Ronnie in his old Supra. Ronnie loses to Paolo and hands over $10,000. Next race, Paolo is racing Bull (Toru Sato) in a black McLaren Mercedes SLR. Again, the police are involved. Bull slows down which allows Paolo to increase the lead over him and Paolo is given another $10,000 for his victory. After the race, Bull runs off and Rog appears in his black and red Pontiac GTO. Rog says, “Well look what the Underground let loose, let’s see how you do in the daylight.” In between Rog and Paolo are randomly customised cars which include a Mazda RX-8 and a 2006 Subaru Impreza WRX. The race starts and Paolo pulls ahead. He keeps increasing the gap between him and the other racers. At the end of the race, Rog congratulates Paolo and says to him, “Nice run, I like your style, just make sure you watch your back with these guys alright, see ya ‘round.” Razor then appears in his custom black 2005 Mustang GT with custom vinyl and RZ logo, and boasts, “What’s up poser, I like the way ya puttin’ it down out there, I really am, cause I can’t wait to get a crack at tha’ ride, what didn’t anybody tell ya, ya gotta put your ride on the line against a Blacklist racer, and that is why people aren’t stupid enough to do it, I’ll be waiting.” Now Paolo has two choices, to go ahead with the race and risk losing his ride even though it has been tampered with or go flat out to beat Razor. The race gets under way when both drivers are being pursued by the police. After losing them, Paolo receives a call from Mia saying “hey, there’s something wrong with your ride, you left a huge oil slick at the start line, and you gotta end the race fast.” Finally Paolo realises that there is something wrong with his ride, so he slams the car into neutral to try to the end of the race, but with Razor on his tail, he has no choice but to slam back into 1st gear. At this time, most of his oil has drained from the engine and the engine finally gave up, leaving him stranded while he watches his beloved BMW taken away on the back of a recovery vehicle. Finally Cross and his fellow officer arrests Paolo and takes him to the Rockport Police Station where he is thrown in a cell. However, without sufficient evidence, they later release Paolo when Mia turns up and causes a distraction so that she and Paolo can get away.
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