Within a couple of seconds the changes stop, and Emma is amazed at what your wish has done. 'How the frig did you do that? What else can you do?' She is clearly uncomfortable with something as she starts fiddling with her bra under her top. 'Shit, this bra's too tight now.'
'Well, I could sort that out for you too, if you want.' You respond.
'What? Have my brother messing with my bra? I don't think so.'
'Look Emm, that logic is a bit scatty. You wanted bigger boobs, which I've given you, but you won't let me make your bra bigger to fit them?'
'Well, yes, but you didn't actually touch them, did you?'
'I can assure you I wasn't proposing to get physical with you now - just wish your bra to fit better.'
'Well, OK. What will you need to do then?'
'Um, just to touch anywhere on your bra and make the wish.'
Emma pulls up her blouse to reveal her bra, pulling very tightly around her now quite plump breasts. As you reach your fingers towards her to touch the bra (to rub your still oily fingers onto it to make the wish) she squirms. 'Look, I just need to rub it slightly, that's all.' You grab the edge of the bra between two fingers. 'OK, I wish that Emma's bra grows larger to fit her boobs.' Instantly you can feel the bra loosening beneath your fingers, and Emma visibly relaxes as the tightness around her chest is relieved.
'Wow, that's incredible! What else can you do? '
'Dunno. Provided I can touch something I can make a wish about it, so pretty much anything I suppose.'
You haven't removed your hand, so are still clutching Emma's bra. 'I wish that Emma's underwear is luminous pink.' Instantly her bra changes color.
'OK, impressive. But you said underwear...' she pulls the front of her skirt and peers down. 'OK, so it's not quite limited to things you touch directly.' She pulls down her skirt waist to show you a glimpse of bright pink underneath. 'So you can change anything, and maybe anything that's linked to that thing, but you can't create something out of nothing?.'
'Yeah, that seems about right.'
Emma gazes at her newly colored finger nails, and cups her newly enlarged breasts in her hands. 'Wow, that's so cool.' After a few moments thinking, she continues. 'Do you think it's limited to physical changes?' You give her a quizzical look, and she continues. 'Well you know I'm bit shy and always lacked confidence. Do you think this could help?'
'I'm not really sure about adjusting your mind ' that sounds a bit like playing with fire. We may need to test that out first.'
'OK ' how?'
'I suppose try something straightforward and reversible first.'
'Like making you think black is blue or something, or that your birth date has changed. I dunno. It's not like I've done this before.'
'OK, go on then, but promise me you'll undo anything you wish for.'
"Yeah, of course - well aside from anything you've got already.".
Right, so your little sister has given you her agreement to play with her mind - so you' realize you'd better be careful!
What will you do?