Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1693813-change
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1693813
one day you get the power to swap body parts along with multiple other powers

one day you get the power to swap body parts along with multiple other powers

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
One day you were walking home from high school, when you found a weird colored rock. being a curious person you pick it up and instantly feel your hand get hot. As soon as the heat came it went away and so did the weird colored rock. Just blowing it off and thinking that was weird you walk the rest of the way back to your house. That stone gave you the ability to swap things, to alter things to the way you want them, and you get to choose if anyone notices the change or if reality changes to were its always been like that.

Main Character: Shaun Williams: 15 years old 5'11 brown hair blue eyes a little chunky.

Other Characters: Ashley Mayes: 15 years old barley 5'2 mid back blonde hair brown eyes average size but weak
Anna Weahler: 14 years old 5'7 a little past should length brown hair green eyes skinny
Kourtney Hemling: 16 years old 5'5 short red hair brown eyes on the larger side

Along with other characters and add extra characters if you want

rules: no rules

types of swaps you can do

-body part swap: swap body parts between two people (the part does not have to be equal for example: hand for foot hair for ears)

-clothes change: when you put on someone elses clothes you get that part of there body (one peice of clothing can not change the whole body) when you swap your piece of clothing for someone elses piece of clothing all of yours and the swapies clothing piece swap( Shuan swaps his undershirt for ashley's bra. now all of shuans undershirts now belong to ashley and are at her house and all of ashley's bras belong to you and are at your house. yuo can have it to were people notice the change or you can have it to were people always thought you wore that article of clothing and will think its weird if your not wearing that article of clothing.

-personality swap: you swap the personalities of two people

-mind/physical altering: changes someones mind or body to how you see fit

-wishes: sometimes when shuan wishes for something the wish will come true.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1693813-change