*eagh* *eagh* *eagh*. That stupid alarm clock. Tim groggily turned off the alarm. He had just had a nice dream where he had been on a picnic with his parents, at their favorite location. It had seemed so real. Then Tim had woken up, and remembered.... He looked at the calendar. It was now two months to the day since.... He sighed. Don't try to deny it, he told himself. They're gone, and they're never coming back. Tim started to get himself out of his bed. He lowered himself into his wheelchair. He hadn't always had one. In fact, he hadn't had this one until two weeks ago, as a result of the accident. He had been able to walk just fine right after it, with only a slight limp. After Dannica had officially adopted him though, she took him to the hospital, where it was discovered that he had had a serious piece of shrapnel in his leg, which meant that he could lost the use of that leg, had it not been removed when it was.
Tim, rolled himself out of his bedroom and rolled to the living room. Dannica was already there, waiting for him. "Good Morning, Tim," said Dannica
"Morning," said Tim, trying his best to not look at her. Dannica, in her usual style, was dressed almost scantily. She was wearing shorts that barely fit her, and a shirt that showed a lot of cleavage. And, though Tim couldn't tell, that was all she was wearing. She had decided today, to not wear underwear. "What's breakfast today, Dannica?" Tim asked. To him, Dannica would always be Dannica. She would never be "mom". Dannica was well aware of this, but she also knew that it had only been two weeks since she had adopted him. She hoped that one day he would see her as a mother, and she would try her best to make that happen, starting today.
"It's make your own breakfast," replied Dannica.
"What? You know I don't have enough time to make my own food before going to school!" Tim responded.
"You're not going to school today," Dannica answered, calmly. "There is no school today. They're expecting a huge blizzard to hit at about noon."
"Oh." Tim was silent. He started rolling himself into the kitchen. He wasn't completely sure what he should be feeling. His grief over his parents was fighting against how attracted he was feeling towards Dannica.
Dannica felt concerned for him. She knew that he needed someone to comfort him in this time. She also knew that she probably wasn't the one to give him that, at this time anyway. That wasn't about to stop her from trying.
She kept on pretending to watch TV, although she was actually watching Tim. After he had finished eating his breakfast, he came over to the living room. He sat down on couch next to Dannica's chair, and got on his laptop.
While Tim was "pretending" to be on his laptop, he was actually trying not to look at Dannica. He was feeling so horny right now, he had to remind himself that she was his adopted mother.
Dannica could easily tell just how Tim felt about her. She enjoyed how uncomfortable he felt around her, though her goal was to make him more comfortable.
She tried to start a conversation. "You know, we could go somewhere today before that storm hits."
"No, thank you," Tim replied. So polite, that kid.
Tim started watching the video messages the kids from school had sent him. They all said some form of "Hope your leg feels better," and "I'm sorry for your loss." None of the messages felt real to him, except for the one from Albert. He had lost his parents in a car crash as well, so he knew just how it felt. After he finished listening to the messages, he shut his laptop. He sighed, and was about to open it back up when Dannica asked, "you okay, kiddo?"
"Yeah," Tim replied, glancing at her. Then he did a double take. To his astonishment, Dannica had taken off her clothes. "Whoa!" he exclaimed, "Dannica, why did you take your clothes off?"
"I want you to feel more relaxed," she replied, standing up. "I know a way to help you. I can't help but notice that you can't look away from me. I know that you want to join me." Tim realized that was true. He wanted so badly to feel the same kind of love he had gotten from his mother. In that moment, Tim let go of all his grief, if only temporarily. He realized that Dannica wanted to be a mother for him, and was willing to do what his mother had done for him. With Dannica's help, Tim took off everything, except the cast on his leg. The two began making somewhat awkward love on the floor, awkward due to his cast. Once they were done, the two lay on the floor, panting.
Tim was exhausted. He could barely think. Dannica, on the other hand, had a fair amount of juice left in her. "You know, I know that your birth mother used to breast vore you a lot. I can do that too. What do you say? You wanna sleep inside my breasts?"
Tim, too tired to even open his mouth to speak, simply nodded his head. Dannica gently grabbed his arms and pulled him closer. Tim wouldn't have struggled even if he had had the energy. Dannica put his hands against her breast and relaxed. Her nipple began to open up, and it started slowly sucking Tim in. Tim, was keenly aware while he was entering her breast. It felt so much like it did when his mother did it that he felt so relaxed. He fell asleep before even his cock was inside.
As her adopted son slowly disappearred inside her, Dannica felt a sense of relief, and another round of orgasms. She had missed this feeling. Tim hadn't been her first adoptee. She had adopted at least five different kids before Tim. They had all lost their parents, and they all grew to accept her as a new mother. She knew that in time, Tim would feel the same way. But it would be a long road.
Once Tim was fully inside her, and he had settled into her breasts, she gently stood up, trying not to wake him up. (She needn't have worried. Tim was so far asleep that it was going to be hard to wake him up.) She walked over to the couch where Tim had been earlier, and then she grabbed his clothes. She then proceeded to swallow them whole. She had a policy: you have sex with me, you're nude for the rest of the day. Feeling the tiredness rapidly approaching, she sat down on her chair. She turned off the TV and took a much-needed nap.
When does Dannica let Tim out?  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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