Chapter #3A Surprising Transformation by: Cracker  Quickly slipping the small candy into her pocket, she got back onto her feet and turned to face Mark.
"Whatever, jerk." She shot back at Mark. "Who gives a crap about some stupid candy anyway, they're probably poisonous".
With that, she ran up the stairs into her room. Shutting the door behind her, she put her ear to the door to make sure that Mark wasn't following her. Hearing nothing, she quietly locked the bedroom door and closed the blinds. With the room enveloped in darkness, she took the candy from her pocket.
"That was too close." She said to herself. She was hoping that she would get back to the house before the candy arrived, but it seemed as though Mark had gotten to them before she could. At least he didn't eat any of them, that would of been disastrous. " 'Weakling' " She thought, reflecting on what Mark had called her. "We'll see who is the weakling when I become the most powerful creature on the planet."
It was her who has ordered the candies from a leaflet she had found blowing in the wind nearby her house. It seemed strange at the time. It promised untold power and dominance to those who ordered the candy, describing how those who consume the candy would transform into huge draconian creatures. It seemed that it was made personally for her, from a young age she dreamed she could become more than human, become something that could match the desire for power she felt inside. Figuring that she had nothing to lose, she sent off a letter to the address attached to the leaflet and eagerly awaited the arrival of her candies.
Letting out a heavy sigh, she peered at the small candy in her palm. It wasn't much to look at, the tiny thing was the size of her fingernail and was a strange black color. She raised an eyebrow. She didn't remember seeing any black candies inside the bottle, what on earth was this thing? She was hoping just to eat one or two of the red candies, but it looked as though she didn't have much of a choice anymore. Mark had the rest of the candies and knowing Mark, he wasn't the kind to share. Letting out a heavy sigh, she tossed the small candy into her mouth and swallowed. It wasn't long before she felt her whole body begin to tingle as if electricity was surging through her body.
"Oh my God. It's working..." She moaned as the candy's mysterious power worked though her system. The feeling was almost erotic and was beginning to turn her on. Moaning softly to herself she instinctively reached for her groin. Her nipples hardened and poked though her white tank-top and her breathing became noticeably heavier as her cheeks turned rosy. As the tingling continued, her arousal grew and she felt something, like an itch, spread across her skin. Raising her arms, she saw the skin harden and split, forming shiny black scales that began to spread towards her shoulders and across her chest.
"It works! I can't believe this is happening..." She moaned again, feeling her entire body flush with warmth as she continued to transform. She watched as her hands began to grow, transforming into draconic claws but still maintaining a thumb. Using her new sharp claws, she tore off her tank-top to watch the scales spread across her chest and stomach. She noticed that the scales forming across her front were a slightly purple tint.
Feeling a tightness from the back of her jeans, she made a quick grunt of pain as she felt her spine shift and lengthen into a tail. The growing appendage ripped through the back of her jeans and began to form dark scales also. Feeling the transformation beginning to reach her waist, her legs began to alter in a fashion like her arms. Her thighs bulked up slightly as she fell forwards, landing on all fours as her feet suddenly burst through her shoes, the swollen appendages growing larger as her heels rose upwards as soles of her feet grew thicker and her toes transformed into taloned claws.
Rolling her eyes in pure orgasmic bliss, her ears grew to points as they expanded in size, pointing backwards as a pair of small, stubby horns emerged from atop her head. Her jaws inched forwards now, her nose sinking into her upper jaw as the nostrils flared, her lips turning a leathery black as her tongue grew long and forked, stretching to fit her new maw as it was filled with razor sharp fangs, her existing teeth sharpening and growing. Feeling a tingling in her eyes, she felt them also transform, changing until they looked similar to a reptile.
She could feel a pair of bumps forming against her shoulders, slowly growing larger until they suddenly erupted outwards emerging as a pair of draconic wings. She could also feel something else beginning to form on her back, but she was too distracted to notice. Unable to contain herself any longer, she ripped of the remain peices of her jeans from her legs and began to furiously masturbate on her hands and knees. Quickly reaching an orgasm, she arched her spine to let out a powerful roar, but was quickly surprised to hear what sounded more like a squeak emerge from her throat. Opening her eyes in confusion, she quickly stood up and nearly screamed when she saw her reflection in the mirror.
"W-What the Hell!" She shouted. She defiantly looked different, appearing as a sort of bipedal dragoness with black scales and a dark purple underbelly, but that was not what she was worried about. Stepping closer to the mirror in disbelief, she looked at herself in a mixture of awe and confusion. She was 5'6'' with a petite B cup before she took the candy, now she must of been only around 4'2'' with practically non-existant breasts. Twisting her spine to view her back in the mirror, she noticed that her tail was more like a stub, reaching just over her small butt and her wings were absolutely puny. Flexing her back, she could make them flap slightly, but there was no way she was flying any time soon with wings that small. She looked more like an imp than a dragon.
"Huh" She huffed, feeling disappointed with the effects of the candy. "Just my luck to get a faulty batch". Dropping down onto her bed, she wondered how she was going to continue from here. However, she was broken from her train of thought by a painful feeling from her back. Shooting up into a sitting position, she grit her teeth as she felt something painful begin to emerge from her back.
"Graagh... what the fuck?!" She growled, jumping off the bed and rushing towards the mirror. Staring at her reflection, her eyes widened in shock as she watched four tentacle like appendages emerge from her back. They were colored similar to her scales and widened slighly at the end into what looked like a sharp blade, but was hollow in the middle.
"Thats... different" She thought. Straining her back muscles, she realized she could control their movement like they were extra arms. Experimenting, she whipped them around in the air and extended and de-extended them, making them reach nearly twice their original length and making them return into her back, leaving only the bladed ends protruding. She spent a few minutes testing these strange new appendages and wondering their purpose before suddenly a strange new scent filled her nose.
With her powerful new nose, eyes and ears, she could almost see the trail of the scent. Following it with her eyes, she saw that it was coming from a flowerpot on her desk. Before she could react, one of the tentacles on her back shot towards the flower and dug the blade into the soil. A pleasureable warmth suddenly spread through her body as the plants were slowly withering, losing their colors. As the leafs turn into dust, she felt the feeling fade away. Her eyes widened as new intellegence became clear in her mind about the purpose of the tentacles. The black candy changed her into a dragon, but also the ability to suck energy from living things and absorb it into her own system.
Realizing this, a grin formed on her face as she stroaked the tentacle that had absorbed the energy from the flower. If she was going to become the Queen of the planet that she wanted to be, she was going to need more of whatever was in that flower. A lot more of it. Putting a claw to her chin, she wondered where she would start. She was far too weak at the moment to take on the world and appear in public, she was going to have to do this without making too much of a scene, for now at least. Finally coming to a decision, she decided to start... indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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