Naruto was happy. He felt guilty that he felt happy, but he did. His entire life, people have ignored or hurt him.
True, there were a few exceptions, but the majority treated him like moldy trash.
Konohamaru on the other hand...people practically bend over backwards to the 'honorable grandson.' But he didn't like that, and that made Naruto angry that someone was complaining about people trying to please him. A part of Naruto has always felt that Konohamaru didn't deserve the treatment that Naruto craved for.
So, when he saw Konohamaru after finding the air tank, he couldn't help himself.
Naruto quickly looked around to see if anyone was nearby, and to his luck, no one witnessed what just occurred.
Naruto picked up the Konohamaru suit, blushed a bit when the already loose clothing fell off of the suit, and decided that if the village hated Naruto so much, that he would disappear, but he couldn't leave them without the beloved honorable grandson, now could he?
Naruto took a closer look at the Konohamaru suit, looking for a way to wear it, 'I wish I didn't throw that note out.'
Eventually discovering that the mouth could open up wide enough for him to fit through, he stripped out of his jumpsuit (he didn't want the first thing he tasted to be his dirty jumpsuit), and put his feet into the lifeless suit.
Less than a minute later, 'Konohamaru' was putting his clothes on, and if one were to look at his face, they would see an incredibly satisfied smirk, "Thank, Konohamaru. You really came through for me."
Looking at the orange jumpsuit, he mumbled, "Now what should I do with this?"
Shrugging, he picked it up, and dropped it in the trash.
He chuckled as he walked off, "This is perfect! I look like Konohamaru, I sound like Konohamaru, and everyone thinks I'm Konohamaru! Guess we don't need 'Naruto' anymore."
Frowning, he looked at the air tank, "Now, what should I do with you?"