You watch as Geno waves his wand, and suddenly your whole body feels tingly all over. You watch as your body begins to glow all over, and then, your body is suddenly surrounded by several strange, glowing rings, from head to toe, and the towel falls off your head. Suddenly, without warning, the rings contract, squeezing tightly against your body. The rings have pinned your arms to her sides, effectively immobilizing you.
“What’s going on!?” You exclaim struggling against your bindings, “What have you done to me!??”
“Don’t worry, Princess. Soon, we’ll have you home. All safe and sound.”
Next, as you look towards Geno, outside the window, you start to see a bright light, coming from outside, flowing into the room. After a moment, it is so bright, that it appears to cover everything outside the window behind Geno.
“Here we go!” he says, and quickly disappears up into the air.
A moment later, you gasps, as you feel your body following him out the window, and up into the light. For a moment, all you can see is the bright, blinding white, light.
“Where are they taking me??” You wonder...