This choice: Sure, after all, I'm a mad scientist. • Go Back... Inside your laboratory, deep below the house, you laughed maniacally as you pressed a number of buttons on a machine you had just finished constructing. It was time for the test and you were excited as most of your 'mad' creations always worked flawlessly the first time. Your wife, Elvira, stood behind you, smiling. The two of you had meet on the battle field during a war between witches and mad scientists and, by some bizarre twist of fate, you fell in love with her and ran from the war to get married. As you pressed the final button, the machine began to hum and a tall glass appeared, filed with ice and a light brown liquid.
"It works!" you yelled. "It works!" you laughed madly then took the glass and held it out to Elvira. "Iced tea?"
Elvira shook her head. "Not the first time around, thank you." she said, smiling. "You're the cook, you get the first taste."
You grunted, disappointed that your wife did not fully trust you then took a large gulp before spitting it out. "I must have pressed salt instead of sugar by mistake."
Elvira laughed. "Maybe you just mislabeled the buttons." she said. "You had been working on that machine for three days straight, after all." she became serious. "Get some rest now or I'll have to knock you out for your own good."
You turned to her grinning. "Don't tease." you said, jokingly.
Elvira smiled. "Unless you want to find yourself a three year old girl, get yourself to bed, mister." she told you. "Magic, like mad science is exhausting to use, you need your rest before you burn yourself out!"
You conceded her point. "You are right, dear." you said. "I'll get back to the machine after a good nights rest. The twins don't expect me back home for another day so I should be able to finish my project in time."
Elvira kissed you. "I worry about you when you push yourself like this." she said. "Why are you building this..."
"Food machine, for lack of a better name." you said. "It's so I can have a snack while working down here."
"Just don't forget the time limits we agreed upon, Simon." said Elvira. "I have kept my word."
You looked at her, insulted. "Have I ever broken my word on the time limitations?" you asked.
Elvira shook her head. "No, you haven't." she said. "I'm merely worried about you, that's all."
You smiled. "I'll get some rest." you said.
"I'll leave you to it." replied Elvira. "Good night, dear."
"Good night." you said.
After the doors to the secret elevator closed, you turned back to the machine you were working on. "Where was I?"
indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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