Be it an unexpected effect of the ray, or just the knowledge that she held two lives, two individuals who’d roused her ire on multiple occasions, literally in the palm of her hands, Ruby felt a rush of power and confidence surging through her. To hell with her job, the legal consequences of her actions, or for that matter, getting back to normal size which she’d certainly need the help of the very same coworkers she threatened.
She flashed the pair a toothy smile, Glenn and Rita all to aware that they were now mouse-sized in the paws of a fox. “I’m going to need my hands for a bit,” Ruby informed her captives, “So…I think I’ll tuck you two away until I get bored. Or hungry.”
On that note, the vixen’s hands plunged into the cleavage of her bikini, the former space of occupancy for the size ray, stuffing her squirming captives down between her breasts, whatever enjoyment to be found in this confinement overridden by fear and embarrassment. “You were always sneaking looks at my chest, Glenn, and Rita, I know you’ve always been jealous, you flat little thing.”
Letting her newfound playthings settle in, Ruby adjusted her top, squishing and pressing the pair together in the valley of her chest. Flicking her tail in satisfaction at putting her boss in his place, she surveyed the rest of the beach and her fleeing cowowkers.
“Don’t leave! The party’s just starting.” Ruby stomped after them, putting herself between the fleeing crowds and the safety of the parking lot. Reaching down to the sand dunes, the giantess ploughed and scooped, creating a risen barrier, effectively trapping her toys between her and the ocean.
The collection included not just her coworkers, but also random bathers caught up in the rush—random strangers Ruby would feel even less concern for than Rita or Glenn whom she wanted to show off for and cower more so than anything else. Depending on the vixen’s whims, the experience for her reluctant toys could be harmless or lethal.
Dropping to her knees, Ruby eyed her subjects playfully, coming to rest on an athletic, muscular, grey husky male wearing, of all things, a Speedo. Having wanted to draw attention to himself from women thanks to his $50 dollar a week gym membership, the dog now greatly regretted his decision as an eye larger than his head rested on him, a pair of pinching fingers reaching forward.
“Mmm, lots of meat on you,” Ruby grinned, seizing her prize, “You get to be first. And I’m in the mood for a—”