Area 11, formerly known as Japan, one of Brittania's many conquered areas used to exemplify its extreme power. Like all of the Areas Area 11 suffered extreme discrimination to its natural citizens. The former Japanese suffered endless abuse from the Brittanians, and many laws bordered on abuse for them and their culture. Of course, due to this rebellion flared, one group in particular stands out among the others; The Black Knights. This one group stood out for many reasons, it didn't settle for mere terrorism it wanted Brittania crushed even if it meant war. Their leader Zero practically defined charisma; he did things that seemed impossible, almost supernatural even, but he did them nonetheless. Perhaps most interesting of all though, was that Zero was in truth the former Brittanian Prince Lelouch Vi Brittania.
Currently the ex-prince was at Ashford Academy, a school he attended under a false name. Despite being a teenager, he used his mind and his Geass to form the greatest threat to Brittania ever. Geass was the secret behind Zero, the power to make people do anything regardless of the situation. Of course such a power has its drawbacks, it grows more powerful and as a result unpredictable at times. The possibility was always there, that this power would develop into something else too, although Lelouch wasn't certain it would even occur. The power might even one day develop into something that turns on Lelouch.
The one who blessed Lelouch with such power was his accomplice C.C.. She was a mysterious girl to be sure, often wearing a straightjacket-like outfit and appearing aloof to the world and all its cruelties. C.C. had bright green hair (Natural too no less), that went all the way down to her midback. Rather voluptous curves, (Which Lelouch paid no mind), and obvious wisdom beyond belief. She blessed Lelouch with Geass and is unable to die, making her his greatest ally in his war against Brittania.
Right now Lelouch and C.C. were inside his room at Ashford Academy, Lelouch eagerly working away at Black Knight affairs on his computer and C.C. impatiently awaiting a pizza to come. Lelouch eyed her impatient form with a grimace, "When it does come you better make sure to eat it in the dining room. I'm tired of having to clean pizza crumbs off of my bed."
The girl turned her head from the door to Lelouch, "What if someone sees me? You're always yelling at me for being in public sight."
"And you always ignore me anyway." Lelouch sighed.
C.C. smirked, "So you are learning after all. Fine, I'll eat in the dining room to make you happy but you owe me."
"I give you a place to live, all the pizza you can eat, and even hide you from the police...."
C.C. threw her favorite plush toy, the Pizza Hut mascot Cheese-Kun at him; it bounced off with a short squeek, "I gave you Geass. You owe me." Lelouch didn't comment.
A few minutes passed, wordless for both Lelouch and C.C. a loud doorbell seemed to echo. The two stared at eachother for a moment, before C.C. clicked her tongue. "Fine..... I'll answer it." The girl got up and walked out of the room, her boots clacking on the floor was the only sound Lelouch heard as she went down the halls.
'Finally some peace and q-urg!" Lelouch cringed in agony as his eye seemed to throb in immense pain. It felt like someone had shot Lelouch in his eye it hurt so bad, wasn't a new pain. Geass!
Images cycled before Lelouch's mind, images of the world over the many years, images of circumstances experienced by someone else, and most notably, an image of a blonde boy with hair that reached all the way to his feet. Just looking at him Lelouch had the feeling he was staring at someone just like C.C.. He found himself in a pure white void, only him and the boy present within.
The boy smirked, "So you are the seed of Charles who has strayed from his path. Do you really think yourself worthy of even commanding a single soldier?"
Hearing his father's name Lelouch instinctively gritted his teeth, "What do you know about that man!? Who are you?!"
"Someone who knows much Little Lelouch." The boy cryptically replied, he turned around and seemed to sneer, "Including the fate of your late Mother."
Lelouch would've jumped at the boy and attacked if he could, but his body seemed locked in place. "What do you know about my Mother's death?!"
"Everything. And I will tell you...for a price."
Lelouch calmed slightly, but still appeared tense, "What price?"
The boy looked back with a calm smirk, "Nothing big, just a sort of...test. A test to see if you are really worthy of the power you possess."
Lelouch couldn't help but wonder if the boy meant his Geass, the Black Knights, or some other ability, but he replied with a regal calmness. "And if I undergo this test you will tell me the truth behind my mother's murder?"
"Anything is possible."
Every possible meaning of that one sentence played in Lelouch's mind and again he found himself swelling with rage, "You wouldn't tell me even if I underwent this test would you!?" He was now screaming at this boy.
Yet the boy maintained a steady calm, "No, I said anything is possible. I may tell you, I may not, it depends on how this test plays out."
Lelouch's mind racked the possibilities, this was his greatest clue to the murder of his mother....but to trust a complete stranger? Every logical part of Lelouch screamed to refuse, but his heart told him to try and find the truth regarding his mother. He looked at the boy with a stern expression, "I'll do it. Tell me the details of this test of yours."
The boy appeared slightly surprised, but also amused. "You'll figure it out in time, but I will tell you one thing. Depending on how things play out, you may very well end up in this test for the rest of your life. It may never end. You may live your life trapped in what may be considered a game."
Lelouch didn't even falter slightly, "How am I to ascertain the details of this test then?"
He was answered with a shrug, "You're smart, you should figure it out. And if you don't then you really don't deserve the knowledge anyway. Even knowing this do you still agree?"
"Yes, I accept the terms of your pathetic test. And watch me pass it with ease!!"
The boy chuckled, "We shall see....hehe Lelouch we shall see...." The white void of a world the two were in seemed to blurr, the boy slowly vanishing as Lelouch's pysche left the world. Only to return to the world Lelouch's actual body was in.
Grunting slightly he opened his eyes, he was on the floor, apparently falling unconcious at some point. But other than that nothing seemed too different, the room seemed off a tad but Lelouch was probably disoriented. He rose to his feet, disappointed nothing happened. "I swear to god if that was just some hallucination from lack of sleep I-" He cut himself short as his eyes came to face with something amazing. C.C.'s Cheese-Kun which she had thrown at him before was like a mountain before Lelouch, its form seemed absolutely godly in size, even larger than some buildings. It was then that Lelouch realized why his room seemed off, everything was far too big. The swivel chair Lelouch sat in before rose miles into the sky. The bed seemed to be several thousand feet up, Lelouch had shrunken!
He fell to his knees in awe as the reality gripped him, he was a to half a centimeter tall, in a world of people who's stray hairs could crush him. It was so...jaw dropping, just Lelouch somehow managed to regain some form of composure after a few seconds. I think....this is obviously my test...but what I am supposed to do? Trying to survive is too simple, that boy wants me to do something while I'm like this.....but what?
Lelouch's thoughts were interrupted by a sound that made his heart stop, his bedroom door was opening. He turned to look at who had entered, hopefully they could help him. It was....
(IMPORTANT. Please, for all readers and writers to know keep this in mind. This is taking place during R1!!!)