We both decide to find and ask mom and dad how we should deal with my tail. Their cars are still in the driveway so they are still home. "Hey, Tom? How does having a tail feel like? I honk it would be pretty cool." Scott says with a smile. I look on him happily and say, "It eels reird Scrott." Hmm, that didn't sound right. A little worried, I rushed to the bathroom, noting that I was hunching over, almost like I was ready to run on all fours. When I saw my face in the bathroom mirror, I saw the reason my speech was a little warped. My mouth was becoming a muzzle, and my tongue was a little longer and a bit rougher. I said a few more words to see how warped my speech would be once the change was complete. "Heroh? Ry ame ris Tome. Ry ron't hur' rou." Heh, seems the cartoons got at least one thing right. If a dog or a wolf can speek the human tongue, some of the words will either have a letter taken off, or a letter added on, mostly r's. Luckily, I could understand myself pretty clearly. When I came out, I saw Scott petting Rex. "Ah, hello Tom, dear chap. Thank you so very much indeed for letting me out to, how you say, escort Elvis out of the building, hmm? And it seems you are becoming a werewolf. Oh I heard you and your father's conversation yesterday. A fine being indeed, strong, noble, and quite the scholar." A voice said. I was confused. It didn't sound like Scott. "Rey Scrott, rhy are ya talkring 'Ike rhat?" I said in my slurred speech. "But Tom. I didn't say nothin'." Scott said innocently. Hmm then who was it? Not a moment later, I got my answer. "Down here, ol' boy. Surprised, hmm? Don't be. You are an animal. I wager it is safe to say that wether you masquerade as a wolf or a human you can understand any species. Now I can finally have a middle man to start conversation with the rest of the family. Of course, your father could understand me, but that's because he has both wolf blood and is at least 27. Don't ask me why that's the magic number, ask your old man's mother. Now, you seem to be looking for your parents, yes? Come, I shall take you to them." Rex says rambling a bit. I was shocked to say the least. I half expected to be able to understand animals, but I was a bit surprised when I heard Rex speek like a perfect English gentleman, er gentledog. Scott and I looked at each other, shrugged, and followed Rex. When Rex stopped, we were standing in front of...