Amy's sides are obviously ticklish, but not very much. You look up the girl's slim torso, looking for a more sensitive spot, until your eyes align on her sleeveless top. Amy's arms are well muscled and tan. From the brief glimpses you had of her armpits, they looked soft, smooth, and hairless; basically the perfect combination for tickling. The two bands holding the top on won't limit your access to her underarms.
"Perfect", you think, still massaging Amy's ribcage. You can feel her chest moving as she continues to laugh, helpless to resist your tickling.
"You are ticklish, bad girl! I think you should be punished for lying." You say, holding her arms up while you sit on her wrists.
"No, please!" Thd girl giggles, squirming underneath you. Despite her protests to your tickling, she seems to be genuinely enjoying it. You say nothing, letting your grin speak for you, then sliding your hands down Amy's arms. Each time, right before you reach Amy's underarm, you quickly remove your hands, to tease the girl. She giggles every time, her laughter evolving into a squeal of ticklishness every time your hands near her armpits. Finally, on your sixth trip down her arms, you let your hands continue their journey, entering Amy's bare underarm. Amy yelps at the tingly sensation from her armpits, she never imagined being so ticklish. The girl's laughs get louder as you continue to tease her warm armpits. You smile in delight at Amy's reaction. You feel like you never want to stop tickling this adorable girl. You enjoy the feel of your fingers against Amy's smooth skin. Amy continues to laugh and squirm as you continue the tickling of her underarms. Her struggling was to no avail, she could not stop her pits from being teased and tickled mercilessly. You allow yourself to enjoy four more minutes of Amy's beautiful laughter, then finally slow to a gentle spider tickle in both armpits. It's still enough to keep Amy giggling helplessly, her arms now slightly sweaty from squirming beneath you. What to do eith this cute girl now?