Ash felt a bit relieved to have something to cover his loins again, lacking faith in the shortness of the skirt to do the job. However, his moment of calmness was shattered when a pain came from his abdomen. Loud pops filled the air as his stomach flattened out, as his waist tightened and hips flared. The skirt seemed to hold on, but it then began changing again, the top of it lowering further down to near the widest point of his gargantuan hips. His glutes jiggled as they toned then swelled, giving him a ghetto booty, the skirt showing a tiny bit of the bottom part of his bum now. His thighs bulked up as the rest of his legs slimmed down, losing the light leg hair he had managed to get on his journey.
"This just keeps getting... weirder..." Ash groaned, leaning on a tree as he saw his left hand slim and become feminine, nails lengthening and gaining a hot pink nail polish. His arms slimmed down, maintaining a bit of tone as they did though.
By this point, Ash looked like a flat-chested woman from the neck down, and speaking of the neck, it was narrowing too.
Finally a burning began in his chest. "What now? Breasts?"
As if the universe was humoring him, he saw his exposed chest bloosom forth rapidly. A, B, C, D, E, he was burning through the alphabet, doing his best to hold the growing mammaries and cover up. Finally, they stopped in the G range, making them really stand out on his petite frame.
Ash turned to May and went to ask, "Got anything else for me to cover..."
"Yeah..." May uttered, walking bow-legged to Ash with her backpack as the biker shorts started to chafe her underwear-less groin. However, before she could dig anything out, an odd sensation tingled over her, making her drop the backpack. May then gasped as her biker shorts began to shrink up under her skirt, as it did becoming softer and more comfortable, before finally vanishing wholly under her skirt. A weird tug in her butt cheeks then forces her curiosity to check what's going on, and pulling the waistband of her skirt forward she saw she was wearing silky underwear again, but this was black, and judging by feeling behind her, it seemed to be a pair of thong underwear.
"Okay, this is weird, but at least it's er, more comfortable, than just wearing my shorts commando." May was then distracted by Ash's gasp.
While she had been focusing on her wardrobe change, the issue of covering Ash's new breasts had been answered by the force that was affecting them, as Ash was wearing a tiny skimpy hot pink tank top that more resembled a tube top given it only covered about 2/3 of his breasts and nothing else, the top hem tapering in a shallow V to show maximum cleavage, with spindly thin straps going over his tapered shoulders. A red heart was in the center of this glorified sash.
"Well, the good news is I'm covered. But I worry the bad news is this isn't over..." Ash states to May, looking over himself to see the extent of his changes so far.
"But what will happen next though?" May wondered.