"Now that everyone's here, you can take a seat. Go ahead, get comfortable. It will likely be the last time you can get that way for some time." The tall, athletic looking middle-aged man said as he marched in from the door behind Axel. "Ladies, gentlemen, and dirt-bag, you are no longer in Kansas. Hell, you are no longer anywhere close to it. And speaking of Hell, if there is one, you may want to go there to recover from a tour here on Pandora. That aside, I am Colonel Quaritch, current chief of security in this facility. It is my job to protect you. I will not succeed. Because inevitably, someone here is not going to follow the rules. Not Earth rules. Pandora rules."
Quaritch moved farther forward, up towards the shuttered window that everyone was facing. He snapped his fingers for dramatic effect, opening the blinds to a vast wall of slightly distant foliage of a multitude of colors ranging from ordinary to a bit luminescent.
"Rule number one." He said, pointing out at the dense jungle, "Out there, beyond that lovely, barbed-wire fence, every living thing that is not from Earth wants to kill you and and drain you of your bodily fluids like soda from a soda can. If you have any intention of survival, you will remember that fact every day."
Great, Axel thought, propping his head up on the palm of his hand, This is the guy who's tossing me orders. Probably has been here for half his life, and is just as probably bat-shit insane.
"AM I BORING YOU, BOY?" Quaritch said very loudly from a foot behind Axel, snapping him out of his thoughts. "This is a prime example of a violation of rule number one. Do not let this," He then indicated towards Axel, "happen to you. And I will be having a discussion with you after this little brief is done"