Mandy relief was all too evident. As soon as
Linda was off her back, she slumped forward on to the floor so that
she was lying on her stomach. Linda said, "I hope that you are not
giving up. I am almost convinced to give you the job.” At this, Mandy
perked up, “No, M/s Hawthorn, I’m ok.” “Good”, Linda chirped, “because
you don’t even need to get up off the floor for the next one. Just
turn over so that you are lying on your back in front of this
bookshelf.” Immediately Mandy rearranged herself so that she was lying
on her back length-ways in front of the bookshelf. “Now, Mandy,” Linda
began, “I am quite offended that you thought I was too heavy for you.
You seemed to implying that I am fat or out of shape.” “No, M/s
Hawthorn, I…” “Stop apologising, girl. If I am not too heavy for you,
then I should be able to stand on your stomach without hurting you.
Agreed?” “Y-yes, M/s Hawthorn”. Without waiting for any further
invitation, Linda stepped directly on to Mandy’s stomach with her
stiletto heeled shoes. As she stood with both feet on Mandy’s stomach,
Linda could feel the heels sinking deep into her belly. The feeling of
power was incredible. However, looking down at Mandy’s face, she could
see she was in a lot of pain. Linda relented. She slipped off her
high-heeled shoes, and remained standing on Mandy’s stomach in her
stockinged soles. Linda made walking motions on Mandy’s stomach, as if
she were treading water.
Then she pointed her stockinged toes and pushed them deep into Mandy’s
belly. Linda stood with all her weight forcing down on her pointed
toes. Mandy gasped for breath, but did not complain. Teasing Mandy,
Linda said, “Mmm, I think I can feel your spine with my toes.” Next
Linda moved up until she was standing with one stockinged foot on each
of Mandy’s large breasts. She squashed and ground them beneath her
feet. She pushed her nylon clad pointed toes first into the right
breast, and then the left. Mandy gasped and whimpered, but again said
nothing. As she stood there, Linda looked down at Mandy beneath her
feet, gazing directly into her eyes, she asked, “Are you sure you want
to work for someone like me?” Mandy replied, “Y-ye-sss. P-p-plea-se.”
Knowing now that Mandy was completely and utterly hers, Linda lifted
her right foot off Mandy’s left breast and planted the stockinged sole
of her foot on Mandy’s face. She could feel distinctly Mandy’s facial
features beneath her feet. She ground her stockinged heel into Mandy’s
lips, squashed her nose under the ball of her foot, and pushed the
soft underside of her toes into Mandy’s closed eyes. Then Linda pushed
her stockinged toes into Mandy’s mouth. Without even having to be told
to do so, Mandy began to use her tongue to stroke and caress Linda’s
toes. Linda forced her toes even deeper into Mandy’s mouth, until her
heel was almost resting on Mandy’s lower teeth. Linda changed her
stance, so that she could now trample Mandy’s face with her left foot.
Finally Linda stood with both feet across Mandy’s face. She seemed to
hold this pose for an eternity, pushing the side of her right foot
into Mandy’s lips, and grinding her left heel into her forehead.
Eventually, and somewhat reluctantly, Linda stepped off Mandy’s face.
She picked up a chequebook from her desk and her own shoes. Then she
returned to Mandy, who was still lying in front of the bookshelf.
Linda sat on Mandy’s belly, and proceeded to put on her shoes. She
then wrote out a cheque and dropped it on Mandy’s face. “You are hired
as my personal secretary. Take this cheque and go and buy yourself
some decent clothes for work.” “T-thankyou, M/s Hawthorn”, replied