The van was a work truck type, not a passenger van. Sir opened the back gate and had her climb in. There were no seats or windows behind the front seats; a simple mat covered the floor.
She hadn’t expected to see anyone inside, but it turned out Tanya was already there, kneeling on the floor. “Take good care of her, Ginger.”
Tanya bowed her head, then used her hands to urge Jenny down to a sitting position. After Sir climbed into the front and shut the door, she said, “Beloved Master?”
“You may speak.”
“Sir, am I permitted to tell her your instructions now?”
He started the engine and put the van in gear. “You may.”
As they began moving, Tanya— or Ginger, apparently was her ‘real name’— told Jenny very quietly “As a senior slave I may speak, but I still have to ask the master’s permission to speak in his presence. Don’t do what I just did; you are a junior slave and are not permitted even that much.”
Jenny nodded and Ginger continued, “You don’t have a real name, yet, so we’ll just be calling you ‘slut’ for now. After Sir allows it, you will be able to say only one thing on your own. You may say ‘I’m about to cum’. When you say it, I am going to stop. If you don’t say it and cum without Sir’s permission, you will be punished very harshly, so do not fail to tell me. I’m going to make love to you until you say it, so if you cum without Sir’s permission, from now on you are the one who will be punished for it instead of me or the others.”
Why? she wanted to ask. Why won’t he let me cum?
“Beloved Master?”
“You may speak.”
“Sir, I have given her the instructions. Sir, when you choose to permit her to say the words, she should now know when she should say them”
“Did you explain that she will also be punished if I believe she is saying the words too soon?”
Ginger’s eyes opened up, “Oh! Sir, please forgive my poor memory!”
Sir did not speak for several seconds and Jenny saw honest sweat appearing on Ginger’s face. But his words when he spoke were gentle. “You will be forgiven after we arrive at the house and I can suitably punish you.”
She bowed her head. “Beloved Master?”
“What is it?”
“Thank you for your kindness, Sir. Even though I am lazy and disobedient, and I have never deserved such loving care.”
“That’s all true, Ginger, and forgiving a worthless cunt after punishing her is only a whim, but it is my choice. Do you question my choice?”
“Never, Beloved Master. I am only unable to express how deeply I know I do not deserve it.”
Jenny had listened to the exchange with amazement. Tanya was honestly grateful and Sir was completely loving, even as he promised punished me and called her a ‘cunt’. She felt a deep desire to have that relationship with Sir for herself.
Sir spoke to her now. “Slut, until I say otherwise, you may say the words that Ginger explained to you. She will begin pleasuring you now. Do not forget to warn her when you about to cum. You do not yet have my permission to cum, and I will punish you harshly if you do.”
Ginger move over next to her, hugged her with one arm, and reached down with the other hand to stroke her pussy. She felt the pleasing sensations almost immediately, and began riding them upward, despite the dread that she now felt. {i]I can’t let her stop too early and I can’t let her give me an orgasm either!
But it was what Sir wanted, so she let the woman bring her deeper into ecstasy. At one point a moan escaped her throat, and Ginger leaned close to her ear to say, “Shhh. Don’t use your voice.”
She kept herself silent, doing no more than panting, as the pleasure wave drew closer. Finally, terrified to get any closer, she said, “I”m gonna cum!”
Ginger took her time stopping, to Jenny’s alarm. By the time she actually stopped, Jenny was had been on the verge, and in blind panic that even the slightest motion would put her over. And they were in a moving vehicle. At last, after teetering on the exact edge over, the orgasm receded and she she relaxed. She had been so close.
The van pulled to a stop and the engine turned off. Sir then ordered her and Ginger get out in broad daylight! She walked between Sir and the senior slave, terrified of someone seeing them from the street, and wondering what would they think of the neighbor marching his naked daughter into the back yard with her hands manacled behind her back.
Sir ordered Ginger to fetch soap and shampoo from Jenny and Tammy’s bathroom, then had Jenny kneel down in the grass. He unbuckled and dropped his pants and had her suck his cock while they waited for Ginger’s return. She worked diligently for quite a while, eventually becoming aware of Ginger kneeling patiently and watching. Finally, Sir fondled her hair and came in her mouth without a word, until he said “Swallow.”
Ginger washed her using the garden hose after Sir went inside. Ginger dried and combed out her hair, then left her kneeling on the porch and went inside also. Eventually, she heard the young mistress come home from school, heard first surprised laughter, then interest in her voice, then heard the porch door open. The senior slave came out, had Jenny stand, and led her in to the living room.
Tammy’s eyes bugged out when she saw Jenny. Sir explained as Ginger had her kneel next to him, “This is my newest slave. We haven’t name her yet, so we’re just calling her ’Slut’ for now. That is how you should address her too.”
He reached behind her and at last released her wrists from each other. While Jenny massaged her arms, he then explained other rules about her, then told Tammy, “She must obey any order from you as if it were an order from me. It should please her to obey. Would you like to test her?”
“Test her?” the young mistress asked.
“Ask her to do something you are pretty sure the older sister you used to have wouldn’t do. Of course, sexual orders are the ones that slaves find the most pleasure in fulfilling.”
“Sexual…” Tammy echoed, her eyes full of amusement.
She still thinks this might be some kind of weird joke.
“For example, if I ordered the slut to suck you to orgasm, she would do it and be happy when you came.”
Tammy gave a disbelieving laugh. Sir simply watched her steadily. Then he asked, “Why don’t you try?’
She giggled. “You’re serious? Would you really wanna see your daughters having sex?”
Sir caressed Jenny’s hair, then stated, “This slut is neither my daughter nor your sister. But watching two beautiful women making love happens to be a favorite pass-time of mine, and I see nothing wrong with watching my daughter enjoy being loved by my newest slave.”
Jenny could see it in her eyes. She was thinking, I’m gonna see how far he’ll let it keep going!
“Jenny, come over here.”
She very nearly did it, but Sir’s hand put slight pressure on her head as he petted her, reminding her.
“She is no longer ‘Jenny’, Tammy. Until I decide what her real name is, you must call her ‘slut’.”
Tammy giggled again. “Okay. Come over here and kiss me, slut.”
Sir let his hand off his slave’s head and she obeyed. Tammy’s mouth opened with surprise as she took a seat in her lap and began kissing. After it extended for a minute, including some time with their mouths open, Tammy broke free with a gasp.
“You really mean it, don’t you?”
“I do. Tell her if you want her to do more.”
“If… Daddy, have you told her to do more with you?”
“She’s beautiful, she’s my slave and she’s wanted me to make love to her for years. What do you think?” Sir met her amused expression evenly as he said so, then added, “And you have sex with girls, so I’m sure you would enjoy a beautiful slut like this too.”
“How did you know…?” she asked, surprised.