Once I got home, I washed off the drawn-on eyebrows, and applied the false eyebrows. "There," I said, smiling at the result. "Now I look enough like I used to, I could face people again."
As if on cue, Marisol called up, "Caitlin, Bradley is here." Then, I caught her thinking, *What you see in this boy is beyond me.*
I would definitely have to learn how to shut this thing off. I couldn't get used to hearing people's thoughts all the time.
Once I got downstairs, Brad hugged and kissed me. "Good to see you, Cait," he said.
"You, too," I replied. "What brings you here?"
"I have the day off," he said. "I figured you wouldn't be busy, So, I thought, maybe the two of us could go up to your room, and... ?"
I didn't need to read his mind to know what he was thinking. However, I wasn't comfortable thinking about sex just yet, even before I went hairless. "Brad," I said, "you know I want our first time to be special. And not having anything else to do doesn't qualify as 'special'."
"Okay," he said, "I understand."
Then, I caught him thinking, *I'll just go over and bang Trish, like always.*
I blinked at that.
He quickly followed it with, *You don't have a clue in your empty little head, do you?*