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When a human joins the Army, he finds many monsters, but they are his allies. 3,790+ Vs. |
This is the story that my interactive, Army of Men and Monsters is based off of. You will see familiar faces, a few you haven't seen, and some information that ties this story, and Army of Men and Monsters, with John Wolfstone and Vegetarian Monster. *Note, this is to be treated as a static item, in a manner of speaking. No one will be allowed to add to it. So if you want a character in the military, you best put him/her in Army of Men and Monsters. *Also, seeing as to how it will just suddenly stop after a while, that was when I started writing the interactive that this is based off of.* Here is the bio of the two main characters. Private Recruit Jenkins (Uniter) Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: human Signs up to avoid being claimed by the county for not paying for back-taxes, which were not paid for the last five years. Five years ago was also when most of his family was murdered, with him surviving by sheer luck. A natural strategist when it comes to planning things. Willing to risk his life for those he cares for. His nickname comes from the fact that his great-grandfather was THE Uniter, as he was the man who united the military when he sacrificed his life to save his superior officer. Lieutenant Bloodtooth (Bloody Teeth) Age: 30 Gender: Female Race: Werewolf Been a part of the military since she was 17. Was bought from prison by an officer to keep her from being executed for killing a man who ate her human sister. Has fought in over thirty engagements in over twelve countries. Likes to keep mementos that were given to her by those she saved. Her nickname comes from both a mispronunciation of her name, and from the fact that she bloodies her teeth and claws for humans. *Note, her great-grandfather was the man who Jenkins's gave his life for. Also, her grandmother was born a year afterwards, meaning that Bloodtooth owes her life to the man for his sacrifice.* *Please note, the first chapter is part of a dream spell, and the Drill Sargent is just based off of Bloodtooth. As for any gender confusion, Bloodtooth is in her werewolf form, standing at eight feet tall, looking like a humanoid wolf. Also, she as a sore throat, which makes her sound more like her father instead of her mother. Also, what person, in their right mind, is going to ask a werewolf, who could rip them to pieces in two seconds, what their gender is? I know I wouldn't.* *If you wish to see the encounter between their great-grandfathers, just check out the first page of Army of Men and Monsters. You will cry when you read it.* *This is dedicated to the men and women, past/present/future, who have served in the armed forces in any branch. No matter what anyone says about you, you are heroes all, every single one of you. Your sacrifices will never be truly forgotten, for freedom doesn't come free. May you come home safe, and be reunited with your families, who all love you in their hearts.* (A grown werewolf cries as he writes his dedication, despite the fact that he doesn't have any family or friends serving in the military.) Here is a list of the things I've made.