"How do I do that?" you ask.
Lardass Lance smirked.
"I'll make it easy for you," he said. "When I get real hungry I don't have time for no pesky chewing. So whatever you get me needs to be really soft and liquidy".
"Oh," you say. "Okay, I guess that isn't too hard...But what do you eat?"
"The cooks know what I like to eat," said Lance. "Just go down to the kitchens and tell them Lance is hungry. They'll show you what to do".
You shrug, leave the room and head down a corridor and then down an elevator to the level that says 'KITCHENS'. Probably not to your surprise, an entire floor of the school is devoted to food! You pop out into what looks like a 'lobby' with a table and chair there and a bell on the table and a card next to it that says "RING FOR SERVICE".
You pick up the brass bell and ring it several times, loudly. A plump, white-dressed lunchlady waddles towards you through an enormous pair of swing-doors.
She stops short and surveys you.
"New student, huh?" she asks. You nod.
"Well what are you doing down here, then?" she looks at a clock between the two elevator-shafts behind you. "Lunch isn't ready yet!"
"Um, Lance sent me down," you say, "...and he says he wants his lunch now...and that you'd know what he'd want and that...I should leave it to you", you say.
"Ohhh..." said the lunchlady. "I see..."
She nodded.
"Alright," she said, softening a bit, "Come on! This way!"
The lunchlady leads you through one set of the several pairs of swing-doors that lead to the different kitchens on this level of the school.
"Take two of those!" she says, pointing to the corner of a huge storage-room.
You stare.
Two of 'those' were a pair of enormous, plastic wheeled carts, each one the size of a dumpster! You grab them and then realise that they can couple together like railroad carriages. Linking two carts together, you follow the lunchlady to another room!
"Alright!" she said, clapping her hands, "We need to fill both these here tubs, full of what's in these silos!"
You stare upwards at a towering set of dozens of steel silos. You notice that the silos are organised according to what their contents are.
"So what does Lance like to eat?" you ask, nervously.
"Lance? That big blimp?" the lunchlady asked, and laughed, "Oh he'll be fine with....this, usually!" she pointed to a huge silo. You stare up to read the noticeboard hanging on it, that reads...