Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1601018-Queendom
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Other · #1601018
On one fateful encounter, Vern's life changed as he found himself slowly shrinking.

On one fateful encounter, Vern's life changed as he found himself slowly shrinking.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Set within a fantasy world, a country known as Queendom, a kingdom where only women may rule and have jobs while the men are not allowed to do anything, only with permission they are allowed to go to the shops and along other things. Because of this, there are only a handful of men living in Queendom.


Vern Byrd
Main character, Vern looked after Susie after their parents died. Because of men not allowing to do anything, he stayed home while his sister go out and have jobs. On one fateful encounter with Josefina changed his life forever as he saved her from a group of thugs. He and Susie now live within the castle, where Vern now serve under the princess. He bears the Luna Crest Rune.

Susie Byrd
Vern's little sister, she grew up alone with Vern and because that men aren't allowed to have jobs, Susie gets the job as a Runologyist. She spends her time looking up info about the Luna Crest Rune that's on Vern. After she learns that Vern is shrinking, she tries her best to look after him as he did for her.

Josefina Queendom
Only princess of Queendom, after being saved by a group of thugs, Josefina took a liking to Vern. She took Vern in to live in the castle to serve only her. She loves the idea that Vern is slowly shrinking as she tend to have her perform tasks that she never ask Lucinda to do. She bears the Sun Crest Rune.

Celina Queendom
Josefina's mother and the current Queen of Queendom. She doesn't like the idea of Josefina hiring Vern as her servant so she ordered Lucinda to try and get him fired.

Lucinda Foster
Josefina's personal servant and best friend. She doesn't like men and really hate the idea that Vern being hired to serve under the princess. She tends to spend her time to make Vern's life hard within the castle especially after learning that Vern is shrinking.

Cecile Ortiz
Cecile is the queen's Doctor and a Light Runologyist. She treats Vern like an equal and doesn't really mind about him working inside the castle. She takes an interest in him when she learns that he's slowly shrinking. She tend to look after him whenever she finds him alone even when he's getting smaller.

Flora Ashley
Flora study the Dark Runes whom serves under the Queen. She takes an interest into Vern when he slowly shrinks due to the effects to the Luna Crest Rune. She tends to teach Vern how to cast Dark Runes to protect Josefina from assassins.

You can create your own characters but describe them. You can build on the characters listed here but keep it within reason.

-No toilet
-No Sudden shrinking down to very small size, save that till later chapters
-Only female giants.
-No short adds unless choice chaps.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1601018-Queendom