This choice: Danny walks around the neighborhood • Go Back...Chapter #2Danny walks around the neighborhood by: The prophet  Danny woke up early the next morning, unable to get to sleep because of the vague dreams that plagued his mind. Dreams about monsters, dark creatures, and the death of the innocent people who happened to cross their path. Danny in all of his life had never experienced dreams as horrible and as frightening before today. Danny quickly ate breakfast, and decided to take a quick walk around the neighborhood to clear his mind, and regain his sense on reality. Good thing it was Saturday, today.
“Ok, Danny last night you were not visited by a strange hippie wearing a toga with golden Sandals, I am not a demigod, I don’t have god like powers.” Danny said walking down the sidewalk stroking his eyes, which were irritated, and burning for some strange reason.
Danny’s eyes seemed to burn with every passing second, and as time passed the burning seemed to get worse.
“What the hells wrong with my eyes?” Danny asks feeling genuinely concerned.
Danny’s vision was blurred, he could barley see his hand in front of his own face, the pain was just to great, but the burning pain soon disappeared, leaving Dannie’s vision forever changed, altered.
“What in the world.” Danny said looking around his surroundings.
What Danny saw blew his mind serval times over. Strange creatures made of light flew through the sky. Gigantic plants covering buildings, the streets were filled with sparkling creatures of different sizes, these creatures were everywhere, crawling on the ground, climbing buildings, sitting on houses, their were even a few creatures on people’s shoulders. It almost looked a little beautiful how these creatures seem to glow, all in different colors. But what was strange, was that people acted like these creatures didn’t exist, it was almost like these creatures were invisible.
“Oh my god what is happening to me?” Danny asked grabbing his head with both hands.
“This is it, I’ve cracked. Oh man, oh man, oh man, what am I going to do? I’ve gone crazy.” Danny says.
“Why are you filled with so much woe Daniel Davis?”
Danny turns around and sees the exact same man he saw last night. But the man was dressed differently. The man wore a white shirt, he had on black Nicky shorts and flip flops on his feet. Really the only thing that was the same was the mans curly brown hair and eyes.
“It’s you.” Danny said looking at the man in shock.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.” Danny says.
“Oh right how rude of me, I was in a rush last night, I am the great god Perseus.” The man says striking a heroic pose.
“You are a god?” Danny asks looking at the man named Perseus with a little doubt.
“Like thee god, you know the Tower of Babel, burning bush, Noah’s ark, god?” Danny asks.
Danny wasn’t a believer in the divine, he never really had a reason to believe, and let’s just face it, this man didn’t really look like a god, last night when he was wearing his white toga, golden sandals, and glowed with golden light, sure he looked like a god then, but now Danny was not all that sure.
“Oh no, no, no, I would never claim to be that important, but a god yes. Im Perseus from Greek mythology.” Perseus says with a smile.
“You mean the son of Zeus Perseus.” Danny asks.
“Yep that’s the one.” The man says putting his thumb up.
“Your a god? It never said that you became a god in the myth.” Danny says, trying to think back to when I had red Greek mythology.
“Yea that part was edited out of the story books. But I am a god, and I’m here to help you Daniel Davis.” Perseus says grabbing my shoulder with his right hand.
“Good because I really need your help, I’m seeing things, lights, strange creatures.” Danny says rubbing his eyes.
“Yes, I suppose you are, it’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s just your body adjusting.” Perseus says putting his hands on his hips.
“Adjusting? Adjusting to what?” Danny’s asks.
“To being a demigod, remember I told you last night.” Perseus says.
“You are not a normally made demigod, so your body is still adjusting to the power.” Perseus said walking towards me.
“What does this mean?” Danny asks a little scared.
“It means that you have the sight.” Perseus says.
“The sight what’s the sight?” Danny’s asks
“Its the power to see the world beyond the world. It’s the power to see through the fog.”
“What’s the fog?” Danny’s asks.
“It’s the substance that clouds the sight of mortals hiding anything supernatural from their eyes. Only beings that belong to the supernatural world can see through it.” Perseus says.
“So those lights, those plants, and creatures....”
“Are spirits, and spiritual plants.” Perseus says cutting me off.
“Spirits, spiritual plants? What the hell are those.” Danny’s asks.
“Well spirits are beings born from nature, and spiritual plants are plants that house spirits, their branches can also be used for different purposes.” Perseus says.
“Don’t worry they are mostly harmless, especially these weak spirits, and they are actually very helpful when it comes to preserving nature.” Perseus says with a gentle smile.
Danny couldn’t believe this, his whole world seemed to be turning upside down.
“So I’m really a demigod?” Danny’s asks
“You are really a demigod.” Perseus says nodding his head.
“Well actually you are more powerful than a demigod, you are a demigod that can do almost anything.” Perseus says.
“Anything?” Danny asks.
“Anything. But just because your power is infinite doesn’t mean that you yourself are infinite. So be careful.” Perseus says with a series tone.
“Okkkk.” Danny says not really knowing what Perseus was talking about.
“Well don’t worry you shouldn’t get into to much trouble, and as I’ve said before I will be watching over you. Zeus doesn’t like the gods interfering with mortals, especially now a days, but I should be able to help you a little.” Perseus says.
“Can I just ask you one more question?” Danny asks.
“Shoot.” Perseus says
“Why did you pick me for this power?” Danny asks.
Perseus looks at Danny for a few minutes.
“Tell you what, I’ll tell you one day when you are ready.” Perseus says with a smile.
Thunder roars throughout the sky.
“Well I guess that’s my time to go.” Perseus says glowing with golden light.
“Well thank you for this opportunity. Lord Perseus.” Danny says with a smile.
“I believe in you Daniel Davis, remember the rules, do not use your powers for evil... Be well child.”
Perseus soon disappears leaving me alone.
“Oh man what am I going to do first.”
indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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