Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1584887-Pipsqueak
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Other · #1584887
Shrunken down in size and then being forced to live a normal life

Shrunken down in size and then being forced to live a normal life

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
How would you feel if you’ve somehow shrunk down half your normal height over a night and try to carry on living as if everything was normal in the giants’ world? Well it was hard at first, got picked on, beaten up and most of the time mistaken as a child. But it gets easy as time goes on, I might as well tell you my story.


Small Family:

Paul Small
Main Character
Age: 17
A shy but very smart young man whom have a crush on his best friend.

Sara Small
Paul's aunt
Age: 32
A loveable mother and aunt that looks after Paul and his twin cousins. With Paul shrunken, she tends to treat him as kid.

Ritz & Riza Small
Paul's Twin Cousin
Age: 19
Kind and smart but often speaks without thinking, mainy about Paul's shrunken state


Ronnie Jones
Paul's Childhood friend
Age: 17
Paul's friend since young age, feels something for Paul and tries her best to look after Paul in his shrunken state

Penny lewis
Shortest girl of Paul's year
Age: 17
Rarely hangs out with Paul but since his shrinkage loves to spend every time she has with him

Naomi Shall
Most popular girl of the whole school
Age: 17
Once picked on Paul but since his shrinkage felt she should treat him nicely

Amy Dickson
Smartest girl of Paul's year
Age: 17
Tends to spend time with Paul into learning on how to cure him and what caused of his shrunken state


Becky Creasy
Ronnie's friend
Age: 17
Grew up with Paul & Ronnie but hates Paul for some reason

Sandy Anderson
School Headmaster
Age: 35
The school's Headmaster, she tends to help Paul out in his shrunken form

Amber Scarlet
Paul’s teacher
Age: 28
Paul's teacher that he has a little crush on, she tends to help him out in his shrunken form

Jessica Reeds
Paul’s doctor
Age: 28
Paul's doctor that helps him out into finding the cause of his shrinkage

-No toilet
-No Sudden shrinking down to very small size, save that till later chapters
-Only female giants.
-No short adds unless choice chaps.

You can create your own characters but describe them! You can build on the characters listed here but keep it within reason.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1584887-Pipsqueak