"Maybe this lady would like to step up and assist me?" Mortie said as he clapped eyes on an attractive brunette sitting in the third row. The woman, 37-year old Jessica, looked to her left and right, where her husband and two children were sat, then she put her hand up to her chest. "Me?"
"Yes, you young lady, I'm sure your children are great fans of magic" Mortie smiled, as he gestured to her.
"If they were I don't think she'd have brought them here" Reg suddenly chimed up from his seated position, sending the audience into hysterics once more.
Mortie just let out a sigh. "Lets keep the heckling to a minimum shall we boys" he muttered, addressing Reg and Tyler's other friend Jeff.
"Yeah, go on mom, please!" the woman's 14-year old son Josh pleaded with her, tugging on her arm. Her daughter, 16-year old Tammy, wasn't as excited as her little brother but she made it clear that she also wanted her mom to take part in the trick. Her husband remained silent and just smiled at her, indicating that it was entirely her decision.
Reluctantly, Jessica got to her feet and walked towards the stage, Mortie paid attention to everything about her as she approached. She stood about 5'9" tall with her 2-inch heeled black suede pumps on, her legs were recently waxed and made all the more pleasurable to look at encased in sheer stockings. She had on a black knee-length skirt, a matching jacket and a white blouse, open at the collar just enough to give people a glimpse of her cleavage. Her blouse was stretched taut over her generous D-Cup breasts, and she brushed her elegant brunette hair out of her face as she stepped up and took hold of Mortie's outstretched hand.
"My what a lovely manicure!" Mortie complimented the woman, upon seeing her French tip fingernails.
"And who would have though that you were a mother twice over!" Mortie continued, referring to her figure, a remark that caused her to blush a bright red.
Tyler suddenly blurted something out from inside the cabinet across the stage, barely audible. "Just get on with the trick and stop chatting her up you dirty old letch!" he shouted.
Further guffaws erupted from the amused audience.
"Way to go mom!" Jessica's suddenly son shouted from the audience, causing Mortie to turn and raise a finger to his lips. "Sshhh young man" he said quietly.
"Please, climb into the box" Mortie politely told Jessica, who clicked across the stage to where Tyler's muffled ranting could still be heard from the underside of the cabinet. Taking a deep breath, and with the magician's assistance, the pretty mother of two climbed into the cabinet. And she gave Mortie a nervous smile before he closed the lid and secured it in place.
"Prepare yourselves my two lucky volunteers" Mortie shouted, as he took hold of the far edge of the cabinet. With all the force he could muster he then set it spinning, causing Tyler and Jessica to both cry out a little.
"Relax," Mortie called to them, "think of it as a fairground ride, nothing more than a rollercoaster!" he told them.
When the cabinet started to slow down there was silence from inside it, and after another few seconds Mortie grabbed the cabinet and steadied it, one of its sides facing up, the other downwards.
Mortie smiled at the audience and then opened one half of the cabinet...