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  1. Reassignment
  2. Renee's Day Off
  3. Renee's Dinner Date
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1569620-DC-Comics-Weight-Gain/cid/2604668-Reassignment
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · #1569620
Big changes in the DC Universe are starting to happen, as the heroes fatten up.
This choice: Harley gives Renee Duffy's job to have some more "private time"  •  Go Back...
Chapter #86


    by: Bobo the Hobo
Renee did her best not to hang onto the "glory days" of her time on the force.

They seemed like so long ago, but it felt like she had been a tight, toned member of Gotham's finest yesterday. Her life since signing on to work at the Factory was so fluid, every day was so similar, it was no surprise to the large Latina lineman that it all sort've bled together. Ever since Commissioner Loeb had asked her to turn in her badge two years ago. Three? Had it been three years since she had squeezed herself into that tight little uniform?

Trying to match the dates up, making them work... something in the back of her mind told her to just let it go. Why bring up painful memories on her big day, right?

"Attention, all Anonymous Personnel—can we have a little quiet on the floor, please?"

Early on morning shift, a curvaceous blonde tapped on the microphone with small, dainty finger. Her nails clicked against the head, catching the attention of all those below them. From high above on the porch of the foreman's office, Renee could see everyone on shift. Bulky bodies meant for lifting and sorting, tired eyes from working late shifts, and fat bellies from years of standing around and eating on a lineman's salary. She recognized most of them, she'd trained a lot of them. Brown and Drake she could pick out of the crowd. Their chubby cheeks were parted in pleasant smiles, looking up. They knew what was going to happen, Montoya couldn't have kept a secret if she tried. She'd broke down and told them at the Zero Hour a few days ago, and they'd had about five rounds of hot wings to celebrate. Bertelini must have been in the john again, fucking around on her phone like normal. Renee figured it was her loss; she'd miss the big announcement.

"Now, we all know that we're going to miss Jenna Duffy." Dr. Quinzelle said with a certain amount of tongue in cheek, "Regardless of how everything went down, Ms. Duffy was a large asset to our company, and no one will ever truly fill her place in our hearts."

A couple of snickers went through the crowd below. This was far more professionalism than that walrus deserved. She'd finally been canned for sneaking enough food to feed a small army every shift, something that should have happened well before Dr. Quinzelle started prowling the factory like a mallet looking for a mole. She'd blown up so much that she could barely fit through the door to the foreman's office, so why Renee had to blow the whistle was anyone's best guess.

"That being said, I'd like all of you to welcome our newest factory Foreman, the Que—I mean Renee Montoya!"

Polite claps filled the air as Brown stuck both fingers in her mouth and whistled. Renee lumbered forward, the flooring beneath her protesting ever so slightly. She waved to her former peers, her pillowy mounds of arm fat wobbling excitedly as her chunky cheeks dimpled in pride. This was so worth having to get a new suit.

Just two—three?—years ago, Renee had been a dirty cop on the take. Loeb had taken her badge and made her feel worthless. She'd lost Kate. She'd gained more than two hundred pounds. She'd put up with Jenna Duffy of all people, poking her and prodding her. Making her feel useless. She couldn't even remember all of the humiliation that she'd been through. But now... it was all worth it.

But something... something didn't feel right.

"Thank you, thank you." Renee continued along anyway, ignoring the sick feeling in her stomach as she addressed the crowd of what were now to be her employees, rather than her friends and coworkers, "I... I look forward to working with all of you as your foreman. I know how things are on the line. My only wish was that Vic were here—"

Who the hell was Vic?

"I mean... excuse me." Renee coughed, "I mean my mother. My only wish was that my mother were here to witness the excitement and pride that I feel today, moving forward in our great company... and then I could tell her to get back to work!"

Bellies wobbled in jest as Renee's quick save kept the crowd from turning awkward. Who the hell was Vic? She'd never met anyone named Victor. Madre de dios, sometimes she felt like she was going crazy...

"In celebration of our new foreman's democratic election, I've taken the effort to provide plenty of pizza, donuts, and a sundae bar for the next few days." Dr. Quinzelle's announcement was met with far much more candor than Renee's promotion across the board, "I have no doubt in my mind that Renee will serve me dutifully as I personally ensure the productivity rates of this plant remain on the rise..."

Dr. Quinzelle's baby blue eyes looked Renee up and down. She gnawed a bit on her black bottom lip, just subtle enough to go undetected by the crowd below. She could dress it up all she wanted, try to pretend that she had gotten her promotion honestly. But Renee knew the real reason why this blonde bruja had filled Jenna's space so quickly...

As the floor slowly returned to normal below them, Renee turned tail into the foreman's office. Over the sound of the machinery, no one would hear the sharp SLAP of Dr. Quinnzelle's hand against Foreman Montoya's acres of caramel colored ass cheek.


It had all happened so fast.

As soon as the door shut and Dr. Q was confident that no one would hear them, she pressed the massive latina woman against the wall, forcing her into a deep kiss. The smaller woman sunk into Renee's expanse, her vast body folding around her boss's as she made her way forcefully to the overfed forman's lips. Something about the way this woman kissed, Renee had never felt anything like it. It was like everything else melted away, except for Dr. Quinzelle—"Call me Harley, sweet cheeks", her boss had told her with a sly wink just days before Duffy's termination. She said it was home made by a friend of hers. Made it with plants from the rainforest.

The kissing was good. It had been so long since Kate. So long since Renee had known the pleasures of anything other than extra helpings at Big Belly Burger. The fact that such a hot woman was coming onto her so strongly was downright intoxicating. Even though her ass was enormous. Even though her belly was so big she couldn't see her feet. Renee loved the attention.

But more importantly, she loved what came next most of all.

"You can't be full yet." Harley had a way of talking when they were together that was so different from the professionalism she portrayed on the floor. It was so much more manic, and exuberant. It was almost like she was two different people! "I know there's some room in there."

Renee hadn't felt so fulfilled in years. Even Kate hadn't been able to get her going like Harley could. She felt like such a shit for doing this. Harley was her boss. She should have gotten promoted on her own merits.

That was what they did—they always did what was right. Who the fuck was they?

But the allure and attraction between them was undeniable. Harley had made that very clear the first time she'd grabbed her ass on the floor. And that after Duffy had been canned, Harley had called her into her office and told her that if she wanted the job she'd have to earn it and... and...

Dios Mio, it was time to stop thinking.

"Get outta yer head." Harley said in a low sort of voice, "Keep eating."

Renee looked like a beach whale. For every pie that they'd ordered into the break room, Harley must have gotten just as much for Renee. All for Renee. Everything was for Renee. Harley said so. Her caramel colored corpulence domed out in front of her, shiny with sweat and taut like a drum. She leaned back in her office chair as far as it would go, looking so much worse for wear. God, how much had she eaten?

How much was she going to keep eating?

"That's my girl." Harley cupped the swell of Renee's hanging gut as it sagged towards the floor of her new office, "You just keep eatin' what mama tells ya to."

"Aye.." Renee panted weakly, "But Dr. Q..."

"Harley." her boss corrected, "Call me Harley."

"Right... Harley..." Renee burped, "I can't eat anymore..."

"Goodie!" the blonde woman lit up like a lightbulb, "Then it's time for dessert!"

Renee got another one of those weird tingles in the back of her head again, but she was too full to fully explore it. How could she think on a full stomach? How could she possibly think with all of the food and sex that Dr. Quinzelle had been filling her up with? How long had it been since she'd felt so satisfied on every level? Food, sex, food, sex, food, food, sex, food, food, food...more food...

Renee shook her head. No, no she couldn't. She felt like she was going to explode as it was. Where were these thoughts coming from, and why did she keep having them? Why did she only seem to have them around Harley? Was she one of those Metas that were on the news? Some kind of mind controlling power?

No, that was stupid. Renee was just fat. And greedy. And really, really horny.

For once in her life, why Question things?

Suddenly, her phone buzzed—it was a text from Stephanie. They were all going to go out for celebratory dinner at the Zero Hour, how could she have forgotten?

Was it 5 'o' clock already?

"Buh... Brown..." Renee burbled as Harley picked up her phone and read the message.

She frowned.

"Forget it." Harley locked her phone and tossed it aside, far from the humongous heifer's reach, "You've got plans."


"The only fraternizing I want you to do is with me. Got it?" Harley sneered, before correcting herself, "And maybe with the product line. One of the many perks of staying in line in your new job... capiche?"

Renee's mouth was soon too full of cupcake to protest. Stephanie's text went unanswered.
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