"Wow, I wished that would happen to me," Matt said to himself.
"What's that?" his Dad asked.
"Nothing," Matt said.
"Humph," his Dad answered. Looking up at the clock, then at the television, his Dad answered, "Well, movie is over, it's late, and time for bed. Night Matt."
"Night, Dad."
Matt headed up the stairs, depressed. He had just watched an old movie called Big, where a kid his age made a wish and grew into an adult over night. Matt like the movie, though he didn't know why the kid wanted to go back to being young again. I mean, he got to live like he wanted, and got to play with toys for a living, and he got to play with BOOBS!!!
Matt had just started getting interested in the opposite sex, and was paying particular attention to the girls in his grade who were developing, especial in the chest. But being the shortest guy in his class wasn't conducive to getting to know the early developers better. Worse yet, Matt's Dad was IT savvy, so Matt never got to use the internet to learn more about the fascinating world of BOOBS!!! In fact, if Matt had been awake during the scene where Tom Hanks fondled Elizabeth Perkins' bra clad breasts, he would have probably turned the television off followed by an uncomfortable talk with Matt.
"I wish I was big," Matt muttered to himself before climbing into bed and falling fast asleep.
The next morning Matt woke up, feeling strange. Maybe...maybe his wish had come true!
He quickly ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror to discover that...
Nothing had changed. Nothing at all. He wasn't older. He wasn't bigger. The old pajamas he had gone to bed with still fit just fine. He was still Matt, the shortest guy in his class.
Sighing, Matt trudged back to his room. And almost fainted.
In the middle of his room was floating flat screen television, with a man's face taking up the screen.
"How are you feeling, Matt?" the man asked.
"Uh, fine," Matt said. Matt looked around at the rest of his room, then back at the screen. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
"No, you're quite wide awake," the man on the screen said. "But the world you went to sleep in didn't have technology like this, did it?"
Matt thought he should be freaking out, be he wasn't. He wasn't convinced he wasn't dreaming, but dream or not, nothing seemed to be threatening.
"You said in my world," Matt began. "You mean this is a different world?"
The face on the floating television screen nodded. "Our world is similar to yours, except the inhabitants of our world are approximately an eleventh of the size of the inhabitants of your world."
"Whoa, wait a minute, you mean like Lilliput?" Matt asked, suddenly remembering his wish to be Big; He must be dreaming. "So that would make me a giant in your world. But...well, you look like my size."
"Just an illusion," the man on the screen said. "Because your mind doesn't expect people significantly smaller than yourself, you assume that I'm your size."
Matt nodded. "So, um, how did I get in your world?"
"We brought you here," the man answered simply. "It is your fourteenth birthday, isn't it?"
Matt nodded. It was his birthday today. "So, did you bring me to your world for a reason?"
"Our world has always had a gentle giant to watch over it. Even in modern times, when our world is united and our technology is advanced and we really don't need a giant, we still bring one over. And it is always a gentle being who wants to be big. So on the event of his fourteenth birthday, we bring him to our world."
"Wow!" was all Matt had to say. He looked around and said, "So, you brought my bedroom as well?"
The man shook his head. "We constructed a duplicate of your room, so that you would feel more comfortable. We know it will take time to adjust to your new setting. And we have a guide. Are you ready to meet her?"
Now Matt was sure this was a dream. But it sure felt real. He nodded, and the screen disappeared.
"Yep, this is a dream," Matt said. "I should be waking up at any minute."
"Hey you, over here," a tiny voice shouted. Matt turned around and his jaw dropped. Standing on his desk was a six inch...