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A naruto character is shrunken and is at the mercy of the feet of every girl in town! |
This choice: Konan decides to just crush Sasuke right away • Go Back...Chapter #4Konan's Creative Killing Intent by: zinkro  "I may as well end this."
Says Konan who picked up the sandal Sasuke was on. "What is she doing?" are the words that come to Sasuke's mind. She shakes her sandal and Sasuke falls down into the dirt. He looks back and sees the giantess sitting on the ground with her legs forming a circle with Sasuke in the middle. Konan slips her sandal on and says "Are you ready to die?"
Sasuke's first instinct is to run, but how can he? He's tied up and at a diminutive size to boot. Plus even if he could Konan's massive legs have him surrounded. Feeling utter frustration Sasuke thinks "It makes sense for why she's doing this. By killing me now, she ensures I can't disrupt Akatsuki's plan in the future!"
Konan's smile from before disappears leaving a focused expression on her face. She moves her legs so as to have Sasuke in between the soles of her sandals. Seeing the obvious intention doesn't save Sasuke as Konan's soles quickly come at him and sandwich him. Konan begins to apply pressure on the tiny Uchiha. To Sasuke this experience is nothing he's ever felt before. While he's obviously in pain what makes this a unique experience compared to other wounds an average ninja would suffer is the added element of humiliation. The thought of being defeated by the feet of a woman is something that can hurt one's pride. Combining physical pain and emotional pain was a truly ingenious tactic by Konan.
Sasuke hears this sound and its no surprise that his bones are beginning to reach their limit. The pain from his recently broken bones came from his rib cage. Despite the successful amount of damage that Konan has inflicted her focused look does not falter in any way. Focusing more on Sasuke's lower body parts it doesn't take long for her to successfully break his legs. Feeling like wanting to scream does Sasuke no good as he's gagged, but non the less he tries his best and loud muffled cries of agony are heard.
Oddly enough the pressure eases up. Sasuke feeling horrible pain is barely able to keep his eyes open to see what's coming next. Konan removes the soles of her sandals from Sasuke's small form and picks him up and deposits him in the palm of her hand.
Says the wounded Uchiha. Konan continues to form a fist around Sasuke's body leaving his arms, shoulders, and head sticking out. With her other hand she grabs Sasuke's right arm in between her thumb and index finger. She begins to move it back and forth gathering a slight momentum and soon enough she bends Sasuke's arm all the way back breaking it at the elbow which forces him to scream yet again in agonizing pain. Not wasting time, Konan does the same to his other arm.
Konan eases her grip on Sasuke's body and with her free hand reinserts his arms inside her hand's hold leaving only Sasuke's head sticking out of her fist. Konan's other hand comes around the one holding Sasuke and proceeds to aid it in crushing him further. Sasuke's mind is in despair as he despises the pain that's consuming him at the moment. Suddenly he hears Konan say:
"Now it should be simple."
Sasuke barely conscious says sounding concerned for his own life "What...does she mean...?!" Konan's hands open slightly while they hold him from from side to side. Letting gravity do its work, Sasuke slides down at the base of the palms. Momentarily Sasuke feels his body being pierced from his back lifting him up to the center between Konan's hands. Blood begins to leak out of from his new large wound. In a matter of moments many sharp white spear like objects shoot out of Konan's hands coming towards Sasuke. The spears successfully pierce Sasuke's body multiple times painting themselves in his blood.
Feeling his life fading fast Sasuke thinks to himself as he understood Konan's tactic "I...get it..." After these words the tiny avenger passes away. Konan crushed his bones masterfully ensuring he didn't leak out a single drop of blood until the climax of the entire process, this was her plan. Konan continues to remove her hands, but keeps the spears piercing the shrunken Sasuke's body separate from her own. Looking at her handiwork she sees the deceased body of Sasuke being pierced from multiple sides and angles and his blood staining her weapon, her sharp paper body parts. Konan's expression doesn't change as she says:
"I should take the body back to lord Pain as evidence of Uchiha Sasuke's death."
With that said, Konan picks up the twisted ornament that she made and begins to head back towards headquarters. This is the end of Sasuke Uchiha, defeated in both body and mind by a determined and cruel woman. |
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